Thursday, December 20, 2012

Microwave Eggless Carrot Cup Cake

For the 3rd day of Sangeetha's blog immediately bookmarked it.Since it is an egg less I tried it the next week and it came out very delicious and perfect.This cake has become favorite for my son.
One day when he asked for this cake I had only 2tbs of all purpose flour only so instead of making it in a mug I made it in a small ramekin bowl.The output was a cute and small sized cake which is perfect for single serving,since then I started making it in the ramekin bowl.Here is the recipe.......


All purpose flour/maida6tbs
Olive oil2tbs
Buttermilk 6tbs(chilled)
Baking soda1/4tsp
Salta pinch
Cinnamon powdera pinch
Cashews or walnuts1tsp(finely chopped)


  •  Mix the flour,salt,baking powder,cinnamon powder and set it aside.
  • In a bowl take chilled buttermilk,sugar,vanilla and grated carrot,mix it with a spoon.
  • Add the dry ingredients to this and mix it well,pour it in greased ramekin bowls.Sprinkle the chopped nuts and microwave each bowl in a microwave high for 2-21/2 minutes.
  • Carrot cup cake is ready.
  • Drizzle it with chocolate syrup or vanilla ice cream.

  • The above measurements is for 2 servings with the ramekin bowl and one serving for the coffee mug.


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