Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Banana Nutella Sandwich

Nutella the name itself makes drool,these days nutella has become our family favorite especially my kiddo loves it a lot.Today's recipe for the Blogging Marathon#25 is Banana Nutella sandwich,though I have sweet tooth I don't like to have anything sweet for breakfast but this one is exceptional.There is no specific recipe for this sandwich,it can be made with 2 or 3 slices of bread with generous nutella.Now on to my version of sandwich recipe which is for single serving........................


Wheat/White bread3 slices
Granulated sugar/brown sugar2tsp
Banana(sliced)1no.(medium size)
Nutella 1tbs or as needed
Maple syrupas needed


  1. Heat a griddle in a medium flame,once it becomes hot drop a tsp of butter and place the bread slices. Flip it to the other side when it becomes golden,apply the remaining butter to the bread slices and cook it till golden. 
  2. Now sprinkle some sugar to both sides of the toasted slices and cook it till the sugar melts and caramalize. 
  3. Place the toast on a place,spread the nutella on a toast and cover it with another toast and keep the sliced banana.Close it with another toast. 
  4. Slice in diagonally and serve it immediately. 
  5. Top it with maple syrup and sliced banana. 


  • If you are using two slices of bread,after spreading the nutella top it with sliced banana.
Check out my fellow bloggers running in Blogging Marathon#25.
Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

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