Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Chegodilu / Chekodi / Ring Murukku /Crispy Rice Flour Ring

For the final day of regional recipes from Andhra cuisine for Blogging Marathon is chegolidu aka chekodi.
I enjoy these crispy rings whenever my friend and her mom makes.I never made it myself and tried it for the first time with my friend's instruction.
Its a perfect munching snack along with a cup of tea.As we heve the habit of  accompaning some murukku or mixture with our sambar rice,we had it with our meal.


   Basic Information

   Preparation time 35 minutes
   Soaking time 30 minutes
   Cooking time 20 minutes
   Makes 45-50 (medium size)



Rice flour/arisi maavu
1 cup
Yellow moong Dhal/paasiparuppu
1 tbs
Red chilly powder
1 tsp
2 tsp
Cumin seeds/jeeragam
1 tsp
1 tsp
for frying


  • Soak the dhal in water for 30 minutes.Heat a pan with a cup of water and to this add cumin seeds,soaked moong dhal,salt,red chilly powder and butter.Let it come to a boil.When the water is boiling add the rice flour and mix it well with a ladle or spatula.Once the water is absorbed,put off the flame and cover it.Let it come to a luke warm.
  • Now take the dough on a plate and  gently knead the dough to make it smoother.Keep it covered.Grease the palms with oil if needed and take a pinch of small gooseberry size of dough.Roll it on a rolling board with the palms to make a rope and join the ends to make a ring.
  • Make it similar way for one batch and arrange the rings on a plate.Heat the oil in a pan and once it becomes hot drop in the rings.Fry it in a medium flame till it becomes golden and crispy.Drain it on a paper towel and let it cool down completely.

    • Store it in an air tight container.

    • Cook it in a medium flame to cook it evenly and crispy.
    • Make the rope not too thick or thin.
    • Join the ends and press it gently so that the joined ends won't separate while frying.
    • Make the rings for each batch and fry it,if its dried it may get cracked.
    • If you feel the dough is too thick and crumbly,sprinkle some hot water and knead the dough.


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