Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tomato and Carrot Paratha

For the blended version of Indian breads for Blogging Marathon#28 I am sharing you a simple,colorful paratha with tomato and carrot.
This paratha is slightly tangy,mildly spicy with the flavor of carom seeds which is a perfect for kids lunch box.As my kiddo's lunch box options are very limited these type of parathas are great rescue and he can have it without any fuss.Moreover its a nice way to sneak the veggies for the kids who are picky eater and not showing interest to eat veggies mine one.Even adult can enjoy these parathas with some spicy curry and raita.Now off to the recipe..............................


Wheat flour11/2cups
Tomato(medium size)2
Carrot(finely grated)1/2cup
Chilly powder1tsp
Garam masala powder1/4tsp
Turmeric powdera pinch
Amchur powder(optional)1/2tsp
Carom Seeds(omam)1/2tsp
Coriander leaves(chopped)as needed
Saltto taste
Oil (for brushing)2tbs


  • Blend the tomato in a blender to a fine puree without adding any water and keep it aside.
  • In a wide bowl put the wheat flour,all the powders,carom seeds,grated carrot,coriander leaves and salt.
  • To this add the tomato puree and mix it well,knead it to a soft dough,if needed use little water.
  • Keep it aside for 10-15 minutes now divide the dough into equal portions.Roll into a disc of 6-7 inches.
  • Apply some oil on the top of it and fold into half then to quarter,now roll it to a triangle paratha.
  • Heat the griddle,once the griddle become hot,transfer the rolled parathas and cook it both sides.Brush some oil  and remove it from the griddle.
  • Soft delicious and colorful paratha is ready.
  • Serve it with raita and pickle or curry of your choice.


  • While kneading the batter don't add too much of water the moisture in the tomato puree is enough to make a soft dough,if it is not enough sprinkle little water.
  • Instead of tomato,you can puree the spinach or coriander leaves to make a green colored paratha.
  • Here I used cheese grater to grate the carrot very fine.
Check out my fellow bloggers participate in Blogging Marathon#28.

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

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