Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Veggie Pizza for Home Bakers Challenge

We group of people started a monthly event for baking for both bloggers and non-bloggers initiated by Priya of Priyas Versatile recipes.
For this month challenge,Divya of Divya's culinary journey announced 4 different pizza with the home made tomato sauce,a recipe from Martha Stewart.
As we love the veggie pizza I chose to make it with the veggies such such as onion,capsicum,mushrooms and baby corn for the toppings.The tomato sauce here I used is the store bought and with the herbs.Now on to the recipe..........................


All purpose flour31/4cups+for dusting
Instant yeast1 package(21/2tsp)
Warm water1cup
Olive oil31/2tbs+more for bowl
Tomato sauce4-5tbs
Italian Seasoning1/2tsp
Mixed Veggies(onion.tomato,
capsicum,mushroom,baby corn)
as needed
Mozarilla cheese1/2-3/4cup
Oil (for brushing)1tsp(optional)


  • In a bowl add the flour,instant yeast,salt and sugar add the warm water and 1tbs of oil and mix it well.
  • Knead it well with the remaining oil to a soft and elastic dough for 6-7 minutes.Smooth the dough and brush the bowl with little oil and keep the dough inside.
  • Cover the bowl with cling wrap and keep it in a warm place 40- 60 minutes or it doubled.
  • After the dough doubled,remove the wrap and punch it down,knead it for 2 minutes.Smooth it and keep for the second raise for 30 minutes.
  • Now preheat the oven to 400 degree F.
  • Punch down the dough, and transfer to a clean surface. Using a sharp knife, divide the dough in half, and knead each half four or five turns into a ball.
  • Place one of the dough balls back in the oiled bowl, and cover with plastic wrap. Lightly flour a clean surface, place the remaining dough ball on top, pat into a flattened circle, cover lightly with plastic wrap, and let rest 5 minutes.
  • Using your fingers, begin to flatten and push the dough evenly out from the center until it measures about 7 to 8 inches in diameter.
  • Do not press the dough all the way to the edges. Leave a slightly raised border, about a half-inch wide, around entire circumference of pizza dough.
  • Transfer it to a pizza stone or pan and with the help of fork prick it on the surface in 10-15 times.
  • Mix the Italian seasoning with the tomato sauce and apply on the rolled dough.
  • Arrange the veggies on top of the tomato sauce then sprinkled the cheese.Brush the edges with oil
  • Bake it in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until bottom turns light golden brown and cheese melted.
  • After its done completely remove it from the oven and slice with a pizza wheel and serve it.
  • Repeat the same process for the rest of the dough.


 Linking to the Home Bakers Challenge event happening at Divya's space.

  • As instant yeast used here I directly added to the flour and used warm water for kneading. 
  • The water should be warm enough to activate the yeast.

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

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