Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dry Gulab Jamun/Dry Jamun

We are entering the second week of Blogging Marathon#61 and I will be sharing some Indian Mithai/Sweets.
When I was thinking some sweet recipes for the theme so many things came in  mind.But ended up in making the simple ones.
This sweet is very popular in a sweet shop called Bombay Sweets in my hometown and my kids love this sweet a lot.I bring 2-3 kgs of this sweet from my India trip every time.
I make this sweet also often for kids and parties,but never had a chance to post.Finally I made it for this theme .Off to the recipe..............................

                                                                   Dry Gulab Jamun/Dry Jamun

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 10 minutes
   Soaking time 1 hour
   Cooking time 20 minutes
   Makes 20-22 medium size jamuns


Milk powder/Dry milk powder
1 cup
All purpose flour/maida
3 tbs
Baking soda
1/4 tsp 
a pinch
1.5 tbs
Evaporated milk
1/2 cup
Fine sugar
 1/2 cup (for rolling)
Fine sugar
 1/2 cup (for rolling)

  For the Sugar syrup

1 cup
3/4 cup

  • Take all purpose flour,milk powder,salt,baking soda and ghee in a bowl.To this the evaporated milk and knead it to a soft dough.Let it rest for 10 minutes.

  • Meanwhile prepare the sugar syrup by adding the water to the sugar and boil it for 7-8 minutes in a medium flame,till it becomes slightly thick (no need of any string consistency).Divide the dough into 20-22 equal parts and roll it to a smooth ball without giving much pressure.

  • Heat the oil in a pan in a medium flame and drop 5-6 ball in the oil.Fry it till it gets a nice golden color.Remove the fried balls and drain it on a paper towel.Once the fried balls come to room temperature add it to the sugar syrup.Let it soak for an hour or till all the syrup is absorbed.

  • Once the fried balls come to room temperature add it to the sugar syrup.Let it soak for an hour or till all the syrup is absorbed.Take the soaked jamun and roll it on the fine sugar and arrange it on the plate.Keep it refrigerated for 10 minutes and serve.

  • Store it in an air tight container.

    • The color of the jamun is slightly in the darker side.
    • The sugar available here is in a finely granulated so used it as such.If you are using coarser one ,pulse it in the blender.
    • Do not give much pressure while rolling the ball.
    • Fry it in a medium flame for even cooking.


    Check out the blogging marathon page for the other bloggers participating in BM#61.


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