Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Almond Chutney Side Dish for Idly

My family likes to have hot idlys along with two chutneys for dinner.Most of the times I make either make coconut chutney or peanut chutney and tomato chutney,garlic chutney.
This chutney I had it in one of my friend's place,we all liked it very much.These days I make this chutney very often instead of coconut chutney to accompany with hot idlys.
It can be made in no time if you are using silvered almonds,as the whole almonds needs to be soaked and peeled.
The richness of the almonds and the flavor of ginger,garlic makes this chutney delicious and tempting.Lets get into the recipe.....................................


Garlic/poondu1 clove
Ginger/inji1/4 inch piece
Green chilly2-3
Curry leaves/karivepillai3-4 leaves
.Mustard seeds/kadugu1/8tsp
Urad dhal/ulutham paruppu1/8tsp


  • Soak the silvered almonds in warm water for 10-15 minutes and drain the water.(if you using whole almonds soak it for 30 mins and peel the skin)

  • Put the almonds,green chillies,ginger,garlic and salt in a blender jar.Grind it to a smooth paste.

  • Heat the oil in a pan and do the tempering with mustard,urad and curry leaves.

  • Add it to the chutney and mix it well.

  • Delicious and simple almond chutney is ready.

  • Serve it with hot idlys


  • Here I used a a small clove of garlic,if you are using a fat clove,use half of it for the given quantity.
  • The green chillies can be sauteed in the oil and used ,its purely optional.
  • I didn't grind it to a very fine paste,bit coarse.
  • If you want you can add 1 tbs od fresh grated coconut also,but we like this way.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thakkali(tomato) Soup/Masala Rasam - Tanjore Style

Thakkali soup aka masala rasam is a flavorful,slightly tangy soup infused with the coconut milk.This soup goes very well with the steaming rice accompanied with some spicy vegetable fry.
I have no idea why it is called as soup and its a thinner version of kurma.But this soup no way resembles the tomato soup which is served as an appetizer.
This soup can be made with or without dhal stock like rasam as we prefer later,made it without that one.Lets get into the recipe..................


Shallots(finely sliced )8-10
Tomato2(large size)
Garlic/poondu3 cloves
Green chilly4
Turmeric powder/manjal podi1/8tsp
Curry leaves/karivepillai1 sprig
Coriander leaves(chopped)as needed

For the seasoning

Cinnamon/pattai1inch piece
Star anise2 petals
Fennel seeds/sombu1/8tsp


Cook the tomatoes with enough water till it becomes soft.Once it becomes cool down peel the skin on the tomato and blend it well in a blender to fine paste.If there is any water left keep it.
Then grind the coconut to fine paste and extract the milk.Pound the garlic and green chillies together to a coarse paste,set it aside.
  • Heat a pan with oil and crackle the fennel seeds,then  add the other spices.Add the curry leaves then saute the sliced shallots for a minute.Now add in the crushed garlic and green chilly,saute it.
  • Add in the ground tomato paste and the water left after boiling the tomatoes or regular water

  • Now add the salt and turmeric powder,let it boil for5-6 minutes.Add in the chopped coriander leaves and coconut milk at this point.Cook it for one boil and put off the fire.

  • Serve it with steaming hot rice along with some spicy vegetable fry.


  • If the sourness is not enough after put off the fire add a tsp of lemon juice.
  • Instead of coconut milk,finely ground coconut paste can be used.
  • The dhal stock needs to be added before put off the fire and it doesn't need to boil.
  • Use well ripe tomatoes to get a nice color and sour taste.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

No Bake,Eggless Creme Caramel Guest Post by Priya Suresh

As a part of my blog's second anniversary again I am with a guest post by well known blogger Whose recipes are popular in the blogosphere.Yes....its Priya Suresh of Priyas Versatile Kitchen.
Priya is one such wonderful friend and got her friendship through Blogging Marathon.I love her recipes especially her baking and the way she presents,Thank you so much Priya for this wonderful recipe.

Now present you Priya in her own words

Am Priya suresh, who blogs at Priya's versatile recipes, am  a bakeholic who loves to bake. My fellow blogger Nalini, no no she is more than that, a wonderful sister, a down to earth darling, a truthful friend and my close buddy asked me few months back,yep you are rite she asked me long back to write a guest post for her but i couldnt send her my guest post earlier. Finally i decided to make a guest post for a celebration. Nalini, the blogger celebrates her two years of blogging life in September and my best wishes to her to keep going in this incredible virtual world.

Actually i know Nalini through blogging marathon before few years back,i'll never forget to visit her space and she share mouthwatering recipes with breath taking pictures. Beware dont go to her space while you are hungry,yes each and every pictures of her food will tempt you definitely and you will go crazy. If you are searching authentic dishes, just check her space and you will definitely fallen in love with her post.

When she asked me for the guest post, she wants me to make a French bakes,but sorry Nalini i couldnt keep my words, i prepared a no bake French dessert specially for you.Hope you will definitely like this eggless, no gelatin dessert. Sending to you with loads of love my dear buddy.

No Bake Eggless Créme Caramel

Crème caramel or caramel custard is a custard dessert with a layer of soft caramel on top, as opposed to crème brûlée, which is custard with a hard caramel top. The dish is eaten throughout the world eventhough is dessert is from French Cuisine.

Crème caramel goes for a plain custard where sugar syrup cooked to caramel stage is poured into the mold before adding the custard base. It is usually cooked in a bain-marie on a stove top or in the oven in a water bath. It is turned and served with the caramel sauce on top, hence the alternate French name crème caramel renversée.

But my version of No Bake Eggless Créme caramel doesnt need a oven and its completely egg free, this dessert goes for custard flour, Full fat milk, sugar and agar agar. Just with 4 ingredients you can make an incredible french dessert even if dont have oven at home. Have you noticed that this dessert is also gelatin free, i used china grass aka agar agar in this créme caramel, if you want to make with gelatin feel free to use it.

   Full fat Milk-4cups

   Custard Powder-3tbs
   Sugar (for custard)-1cup
   Agar agar powder -2tbs or 1/4cup Agar agar (chopped)
   Sugar for caramel-3tbs


  • Soak the china grass in 3/4 cup of cold water for 1 hour. Put to cook on a slow flame until it dissolves.
  • If you are using agar agar powder dont do this step with it.
  • Meanwhile make a caramel syrup, cook the sugar of caramel with water,pour the water just to cover the sugar.
  • Cook the sugar until they turns golden brown, just tilt than pan and pour the caramel syrup to the ramekins and keep aside.
  • Add in the custard powder,sugar to the milk and whisk well until the sugar and custard powder gets dissolves.
  • Cook this mixture until its turns semi liquid. Now add the already prepared agar agar or agar agar powder.
  • Cook everything in simmer until it turns thick.
  • Let it cool a bit, spoon this eggless custard to the already prepared ramekins.
  • Once the custard gets cool completely, cover the ramekins with a plastic wrap and place it in fridge for atleast two hours.
  • While serving, loosen the sides of the ramekin with a knife. Invert the chilled créme caramel to a plate.

  • Enjoy as a dessert.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Paruppu Urundai Kulambhu/Lentils Ball in Tamarind and Coconut Sauce Tamizhar Samayal Tuesday

We group of friends started a event named Tamizhar Samayal Tuesday and showcasing the the traditional recipes of Tamilnadu in 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.

For this event today I am sharing a kulambhu recipe which is popular in Southern part of Tamilnadu.
Paruppu urundai kulambhu is a traditional South Indian delicacy served along with rice and also tastes good with idly and dosa.

This kulambhu is one of my family's favorite and can be prepared in two ways.Today I made this kulambhu by steaming the lentil balls,it can also be made by adding the balls directly to the gravy.I prefer to make it with the former method as the balls doesn't break and feel easy to make.

My mom adds little gram flour to the urundai batter and makes some crispy pakodas to accompany with it.This kulambhu and urundai  tastes even better in the next day, now on to the recipe...............


For the gravy

Onion1no.(medium size)
Tomato1no.(medium size)
Tamarind paste/puli2-3tsp
Chilly powder/milagai podi11/2tsp
Coriander powder/kothamalli podi3tsp
Turmeric powder/manjal podi1/8tsp
Saltto taste
Curry leaves1sprig
Coriander leaves(chopped)1tbs

For the Lentil Balls(urundai) 

Toor dhal/thuvaram paruppu3/4cup
Channa dhal/kadalai paruppu1/4cup
Ginger/inji1 inch piece
Red Chilly4-5nos.
Fennel seeds/sombhu1tsp
Saltto taste
Onion(finely chopped)2nos.
Curry leaves(chopped)1sprig
Coriander leaves(chopped)1tbs

To grind 

Fennel seeds1/2tsp
Poppy seeds/kasakasa1/2tsp

For the seasoning 

Mustard seeds/kadugu1/2 tsp
Fennel seeds/sombhu1/8tsp


                           Soak the dhals in water for 2 hours and grind it along with the red chilly,fennel seeds,ginger and garlic along with salt to a coarse paste without adding water.Sprinkle water if needed.

Add the chopped onion,coriander leaves,curry leaves and mix it well.Make small balls out of it and steam it in a idly cooker or steamer for 5 minutes and keep it aside.

Meanwhile grind the coconut,fennel seeds and poppy seeds to a fine paste,keep it aside.Mix two cups of water to the tamarind paste,to this add all the spice powders ans salt.Mix it well.
Heat a pan with oil,crackle the mustard seeds,fennel.Add in the curry leaves and garlic,onion,saute it with a pinch of  salt.Once the onion becomes translucent add the chopped tomato,cook it till mushy.Add the tamarind water and allow it to boil till the raw smell disappears.

Now to this add the ground coconut paste and cook it for one boil.Add the cooked balls to it,let boil boil for another 5 minutes in the medium flame.Finally sprinkle the coriander leaves and mix it well.

Paruppu urundai kulambhu is ready.Serve it after an hour to get the flavors incorporate well.


  • If you don't want to steam the balls you can directly add the balls to the kulambhu,add 3 balls at a time after it cook add the next batch.
  • Here I used the tamarind paste,if you are using tamarind a small lemon sized ball is sufficient for this amount.
  • The kulambhu will become thick upon cooling so adjust the consistency accordingly.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Upma Kozhukattai

As Vinayagar Chaturthi is around the corner wanted to share some kozhukattai recipes which we make.
Upma kozhukkatai can be made in two ways,one with the processed rice rava/cream of rice and the recipe is here.
But today's recipe is with freshly ground rice and dhal mixture,now off to the recipe......


Raw rice/pacharisi 1cup
Toor dhal/thuvaram paruppu1tbs
Coconut bits1tbs(optional)
Red chilly/varamilagai3-4(break into pieces)
Curry leaves/karivepillai1sprig
Salt 11/4tsp
Oil 1tbs

For the tempering
Mustard seeds/kadugu 1tsp
Urad dhal/ulutham paruppu11/2tsp
Channa dhal/kadalparuppu11/2tsp
Asafoetida/perungayama pinch


  • Soak the rice and dhal for an hour then completely drain the water.Now put it in a blender and pulse it to 15 seconds.The consistency should be bit coarse like wheat rava.
    • Heat a pan with oil and crackle the mustard seeds,then add in the urad and channa dhal.The add the asafoetida,now add the red chilly and grated coconut,coconut bits,saute it for a minute.
      • Now add 13/4cups of water and salt,let it boil.Once the water started boiling add the ground rice and dhal mixture and stir it well.

      • Cook it covered in a medium flame for 2-3 minutes or till it gets cooked.Put off the fire,let it come to warm.Pinch out a small lemon sized ball,keep in the palm and close finger tightly to make fist.
      • Continue it for the rest of the batter and arrange it in a idly plate and steam for 7-10 minutes.
      • Serve it warm.


      • The consistency of the rice is personal preference,if you want you can grind it fine .
      • Addition of coconut bits ii optional since we like it I add it.
      • Instead of red chillies ,green chillies can be used.
      • This can be made with out dhal aslo.


      Friday, September 6, 2013

      Konda kadalai Pirattal/Chick Peas Dry Curry Vegan Thursday

      Kondakadalai aka Chickpeas Pirattali  an accopmaniment for variety rice or sambhar and rasam rice rice in our house holds.The same recipe can be followed for other legumes such as green peas,black eye peas and soya,double beans.
      This pirattal tastes better with the dried legumes,so it needs to be soaked over night and cooked.Here goes the recipe...................


      Chick peas/kondakadalai 11/2 cup(soaked)
      Onion(chopped)1(medium size)
      Coriander powder1tsp
      Garam masala powder1/8tsp
      Turmeric powder1/8tsp
      Fennel seeds1/8tsp
      Cinnamon 1 inch piece
      Star anise 1no.
      Curry leaves1sprig
      Coriander leavesto garnish

      To grind
      Fennel seeds1/2tsp
      Red chilly/varamilgai 3-4
      Tomato(chopped)1(medium size)
      Ginger a small piece


      • Cook the chick peas in the pressure cooker with a pinch of salt.Grind the ingredients given to fine paste and keep aside.
      • Heat the pan with the oil,crackle the fennel seeds,cloves and cinnamon,add the onion and curry leaves.Saute till the onion becomes transparent with a pinch of salt.Once the onion is done add the ground paste and cook until the raw smell goes off.
      • Now goes in all the spice powders and salt,give it a mix then add 1/2 cup of water,allow it to boil for couple of minutes.
      • Add the cooked chickpeas and mix it well,cook it covered for 3-4 minutes in a medium flame.Stir it well keep it in the flame for a minute or two till it become dry,sprinkle the coriander leaves and mix it well.Put off the flame.
      • Serve as an accompaniment.


      • After adding the ground paste fry it in a medium flame till the raw smell of ginger and garlic disappears.
      • Instead of grinding the tomato,tomato puree can be used. Add it after the onion turns trasnparent


      Thursday, September 5, 2013

      Beet Root Rava Kesari-Guest Post by Vijayalakshmi

      September is my blog's second anniversary,to celebrate this I asked few of my friends to do guest post.
      Today's post is by my blogger friend Virunthuna Vaanga Viji who I came to know in the blogging world through Sangeetha of Spicy Treats.She is one such lovable,kind and calm person,talked her few times over the phone and chat everyday.When I asked her to do a guest post she humbly accepted to do it.
      Coming to  her blog its filled with traditional and baking recipes.Today's recipe is a colorful rawa kesari with beet root which is a vegan and low calorie version.

      Now present you Viji in her own words

      Hello dear friends, am really very happy to present my guest post for one of my lovely friend aka akka Nalini Suresh. We don’t know each other before 5-6 months; we introduced through sangee akka in FB chat. Thanks sangee akka. Even I didn’t know her space before we introduce each other, when I visited her space only, I realised that how come I missed the great collections of our traditional recipes with beautiful explanation and attractive pictures of her creative.
      I am really blessed and proud to have such a lovely friends through the blogosphere.  We chatted in FB then we talked over the phone. When she visited India recently, I couldn’t get chance to meet. 
      She is lovable wife, cute mom of 2 kids, very humble, down-to-earth, loving, caring nature and humorous person.

      I readily accepted her guest post immediately when she asked me but I took some time to present the post. When I asked her, “What type of recipe you want?” she funnily replied that she needs “Dindigul NV Biryani” ;) (But I posted my mom preparation) as she knew that I won’t cook NV recipe… This is example of her humour attitude. Then she said that anything which you like.
      I planned to make one dessert using agar-agar but due to my mistake and power cut problem its flop… But sure I will make it again. Then I decided to give a try of Beetroot Rava Kesari…   

      Coming to the recipe, I planned to make rava kesari with beets. It’s very healthy and here I didn’t use ghee even a small amount, so it’s purely vegan kesari without any artificial flavours. Am sure this is
      good twist from our normal kesari and taste too awesome and healthy too, even kids will love it though we can offer them some healthy beets in the form of dessert.

      Category Dessert
      Regional Indian
      Preparation Time 10 Minutes
      Cooking Time 15 Minutes
      Servings 2


      • Semolina/Sooji/Rava – ¼ Cup (I used double roasted rava)
      • Water – ½ Cup
      • *Beetroot juice – ¼ Cup
      • Cardamom powder – ¼ Tsp
      • Sugar – ¼ Cup
      • Olive oil – 1 Tbsp
      • Pistachios – For garnish 

      *Beet root juice – Take a finely chopped or grated beetroot into the juice mixie or blender extract the juice only not pulp.


      • Take a kadai add water and beet juice bring it to boil well.

      • When it’s boiling well add the rava and stir it continuously to avoid any lumps on low flame.

      • Add sugar when it starts thickening, sugar will loosen the rava mixture, and cook it for 2 minutes or till start to thicken.

      • Now add olive oil to it and stir it well and switch off the flamewhile it starts rolling.

      • Garnish with pistachios 

        Serve it hot or cold.


      • Ghee roast or dry roasted the rava if you are using normal variety for 2 minutes.
      • You can use ghee instead of olive oil to get more rich flavour.
      • Mine get dark colour of the beets; if you wish to get lighter colour adjust the measurement of beet juice according to your
      • You can add ghee roasted cashew nuts and raisins.
