Showing posts with label Guest post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guest post. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2013

Chettinadu Kozhi Uppu Varuval / செட்டிநாடு கோழி உப்பு வருவல் - Guest Post for Savitha of Savitha's Kitchen

Today I am happy to share a guest post for one my friend cum blogger Savitha of Savitha's Kitchen.I got her friendship after I got into the blogging world,initially our friendship started in FB chatting and now we speak over the phone atleast once in a month.
Savitha aked me to do a guest post in April,but due to my India trip and personal things kept me busy and finally at December.
Here I am sharing a chicken fry popular in Chettinadu cuisine which goes very well with rasam rice and curd rice.This recipe is a simple and easy to make,doesn't need any fancy ingredients.There is no spice powder used for this fry,the spiciness is from the amount of red chillies used.

Hop to Savitha's Space for the mouth watering recipe.


Thank you  so much Savitha for this wonderful opportunity.



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chettinadu Chicken Curry - Chit Chat with Priya

I am so much thrilled and excited to share a guest post for my friend Priya Ranjit of Cook like Priya. Priya is one such caring and loving person I came to know in March through Facebook,after that we chat almost everyday and talked couple of times over the phone. When she requested me to do a guest post 3-4 months back I said yes.But it took such a long time as I was busy with y India trip and other personal things. I was in a dilemma about the recipe and finally ended up with the authentic chicken curry as Priya likes a chicken lot.

Click the below link  for the delicious and spicy chicken curry loaded with flavors from the freshly ground spices.


Thank you so much for this oppurtunity,Priya.Hope you like it.



Monday, October 7, 2013

Kozhi Saaru - கிராமத்து கோழிச்சாறு - Village Style Chicken Stew- Guest post for Priya Suresh

Today I am so excited to do a guest post in one of a well known blogger Priya of Priya's Versatile Recipes.She is one such caring person and passionate blogger,never forgets to visit my blog with her lovely words.
Though she is a mom of 3 kids her dedication towards blogging is amazing and like the way she posts.She is a wonderful baker,loves to bake and all her baked goodies are super hit.
When Priya came up with the idea of Rendez vous for newbies I was really happy and excited to be her guest.
I was so much confused about choosing the recipe and finally settled into this recipe as she likes non-veg especially chicken.
Coming to the recipe,its a village style chicken recipe which is a stew like preparation popular in Southern part of Tamilnadu.This saaru/stew goes very well with Idly,dosa,idiyaapam and even plain white rice.

Please check out the recipe here.

Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.



Thursday, September 12, 2013

No Bake,Eggless Creme Caramel Guest Post by Priya Suresh

As a part of my blog's second anniversary again I am with a guest post by well known blogger Whose recipes are popular in the blogosphere.Yes....its Priya Suresh of Priyas Versatile Kitchen.
Priya is one such wonderful friend and got her friendship through Blogging Marathon.I love her recipes especially her baking and the way she presents,Thank you so much Priya for this wonderful recipe.

Now present you Priya in her own words

Am Priya suresh, who blogs at Priya's versatile recipes, am  a bakeholic who loves to bake. My fellow blogger Nalini, no no she is more than that, a wonderful sister, a down to earth darling, a truthful friend and my close buddy asked me few months back,yep you are rite she asked me long back to write a guest post for her but i couldnt send her my guest post earlier. Finally i decided to make a guest post for a celebration. Nalini, the blogger celebrates her two years of blogging life in September and my best wishes to her to keep going in this incredible virtual world.

Actually i know Nalini through blogging marathon before few years back,i'll never forget to visit her space and she share mouthwatering recipes with breath taking pictures. Beware dont go to her space while you are hungry,yes each and every pictures of her food will tempt you definitely and you will go crazy. If you are searching authentic dishes, just check her space and you will definitely fallen in love with her post.

When she asked me for the guest post, she wants me to make a French bakes,but sorry Nalini i couldnt keep my words, i prepared a no bake French dessert specially for you.Hope you will definitely like this eggless, no gelatin dessert. Sending to you with loads of love my dear buddy.

No Bake Eggless Créme Caramel

Crème caramel or caramel custard is a custard dessert with a layer of soft caramel on top, as opposed to crème brûlée, which is custard with a hard caramel top. The dish is eaten throughout the world eventhough is dessert is from French Cuisine.

Crème caramel goes for a plain custard where sugar syrup cooked to caramel stage is poured into the mold before adding the custard base. It is usually cooked in a bain-marie on a stove top or in the oven in a water bath. It is turned and served with the caramel sauce on top, hence the alternate French name crème caramel renversée.

But my version of No Bake Eggless Créme caramel doesnt need a oven and its completely egg free, this dessert goes for custard flour, Full fat milk, sugar and agar agar. Just with 4 ingredients you can make an incredible french dessert even if dont have oven at home. Have you noticed that this dessert is also gelatin free, i used china grass aka agar agar in this créme caramel, if you want to make with gelatin feel free to use it.

   Full fat Milk-4cups

   Custard Powder-3tbs
   Sugar (for custard)-1cup
   Agar agar powder -2tbs or 1/4cup Agar agar (chopped)
   Sugar for caramel-3tbs


  • Soak the china grass in 3/4 cup of cold water for 1 hour. Put to cook on a slow flame until it dissolves.
  • If you are using agar agar powder dont do this step with it.
  • Meanwhile make a caramel syrup, cook the sugar of caramel with water,pour the water just to cover the sugar.
  • Cook the sugar until they turns golden brown, just tilt than pan and pour the caramel syrup to the ramekins and keep aside.
  • Add in the custard powder,sugar to the milk and whisk well until the sugar and custard powder gets dissolves.
  • Cook this mixture until its turns semi liquid. Now add the already prepared agar agar or agar agar powder.
  • Cook everything in simmer until it turns thick.
  • Let it cool a bit, spoon this eggless custard to the already prepared ramekins.
  • Once the custard gets cool completely, cover the ramekins with a plastic wrap and place it in fridge for atleast two hours.
  • While serving, loosen the sides of the ramekin with a knife. Invert the chilled créme caramel to a plate.

  • Enjoy as a dessert.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Beet Root Rava Kesari-Guest Post by Vijayalakshmi

September is my blog's second anniversary,to celebrate this I asked few of my friends to do guest post.
Today's post is by my blogger friend Virunthuna Vaanga Viji who I came to know in the blogging world through Sangeetha of Spicy Treats.She is one such lovable,kind and calm person,talked her few times over the phone and chat everyday.When I asked her to do a guest post she humbly accepted to do it.
Coming to  her blog its filled with traditional and baking recipes.Today's recipe is a colorful rawa kesari with beet root which is a vegan and low calorie version.

Now present you Viji in her own words

Hello dear friends, am really very happy to present my guest post for one of my lovely friend aka akka Nalini Suresh. We don’t know each other before 5-6 months; we introduced through sangee akka in FB chat. Thanks sangee akka. Even I didn’t know her space before we introduce each other, when I visited her space only, I realised that how come I missed the great collections of our traditional recipes with beautiful explanation and attractive pictures of her creative.
I am really blessed and proud to have such a lovely friends through the blogosphere.  We chatted in FB then we talked over the phone. When she visited India recently, I couldn’t get chance to meet. 
She is lovable wife, cute mom of 2 kids, very humble, down-to-earth, loving, caring nature and humorous person.

I readily accepted her guest post immediately when she asked me but I took some time to present the post. When I asked her, “What type of recipe you want?” she funnily replied that she needs “Dindigul NV Biryani” ;) (But I posted my mom preparation) as she knew that I won’t cook NV recipe… This is example of her humour attitude. Then she said that anything which you like.
I planned to make one dessert using agar-agar but due to my mistake and power cut problem its flop… But sure I will make it again. Then I decided to give a try of Beetroot Rava Kesari…   

Coming to the recipe, I planned to make rava kesari with beets. It’s very healthy and here I didn’t use ghee even a small amount, so it’s purely vegan kesari without any artificial flavours. Am sure this is
good twist from our normal kesari and taste too awesome and healthy too, even kids will love it though we can offer them some healthy beets in the form of dessert.

Category Dessert
Regional Indian
Preparation Time 10 Minutes
Cooking Time 15 Minutes
Servings 2


  • Semolina/Sooji/Rava – ¼ Cup (I used double roasted rava)
  • Water – ½ Cup
  • *Beetroot juice – ¼ Cup
  • Cardamom powder – ¼ Tsp
  • Sugar – ¼ Cup
  • Olive oil – 1 Tbsp
  • Pistachios – For garnish 

*Beet root juice – Take a finely chopped or grated beetroot into the juice mixie or blender extract the juice only not pulp.


• Take a kadai add water and beet juice bring it to boil well.

• When it’s boiling well add the rava and stir it continuously to avoid any lumps on low flame.

• Add sugar when it starts thickening, sugar will loosen the rava mixture, and cook it for 2 minutes or till start to thicken.

• Now add olive oil to it and stir it well and switch off the flamewhile it starts rolling.

• Garnish with pistachios 

    Serve it hot or cold.


• Ghee roast or dry roasted the rava if you are using normal variety for 2 minutes.
• You can use ghee instead of olive oil to get more rich flavour.
• Mine get dark colour of the beets; if you wish to get lighter colour adjust the measurement of beet juice according to your
• You can add ghee roasted cashew nuts and raisins.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine Cup Cakes/Hidden Heart Cup Cakes-Guest post by Sangeetha

I am so happy to share a guest post by my blogger friend sangeetha who is the first friend after starting my blog,initially our conversation started via email and FB then over the phone.Really I am very lucky to get a friend like Sangeetha,when I started the blogging I didn't know so many things and asked her help for so many things like a kid.Without any hesitation and lots of patientce she clarifies the doubts clearly.We used to talk over the phone almost every other day atleast for an hour regarding the kids,blog,photography as we both bought the DSLR same time and same model.These days I am busy with the lil one couldn't talk as much as before but once in a week we talk over the phone and chat in the FB.
When I asked her to do a guest for my blog,she immediately agreed without any second thought and asked me What type of recipe you want?
Though she has 500+ recipes I love the way and efforts she takes to bake cookies,breads and cake.So I wanted some baked recipe and she came up with the idea of Valentine cup cakes with hidden heart.

Now Present you Sangeetha in her own words.....

 I am so happy to share a guest post by my blogger friend sangeetha who is the first frien Valentine Cup Cakes/Hidden Heart Cup Cakes-Guest post by Sangeetha
 I am so happy to share a guest post by my blogger friend sangeetha who is the first frien Valentine Cup Cakes/Hidden Heart Cup Cakes-Guest post by Sangeetha
Nalini is one of my close friends in the blogging World. I am so happy to do this guest post for her. She has a lovely space with more delicious recipes which are presented well with inviting pictures. Her authentic south Indian recipes are more notable, have tried few recipes from her space and totally loved it. I love her Eggless Cookies and have bookmarked to try.
We are phone friends for more than a year, yes..we shared our numbers and used to talk almost daily but after her lil' princess arrival it reduced to once in a week. Most of the time our conversation begins with Blogging, Blogging & Blogging. We also discuss about photography, pictures, presentation this n that. We both have same DSLR so its easy for us to share and clear any doubts.  She is a very friendly and caring person. I am so happy to have her as one of my close friends. 
And one more happy thing to to share that today she is Celebrating her life's special moment and wishing Her a very Happy Anniversary. God Bless U & Ur Family with all health & Wealth. Good Luck Nalini!
Now coming to the recipe, Valentine Cupcakes/Hidden Heart Cupcakes with Vanilla Butter Cream Frosting. As its a Valentine Month, this is perfect and easy choice to treat your Valentine in the special day. I happened to see a video on you tube, making Basic Vanilla Cake and Vanilla Butter cream frosting. The cake turned out so good but the hidden heart didn't come out perfectly becoz since i forgot to push the heart down, so on baking it raised to top and also  i forgot to mark on the liners to cut the cake to get the perfect heart shape,when i cut it wrong way it appeared like a pink blob :( But i was happy with the output(taste wise)and my kids loved the cake with frosting. 
Makes About 6 hidden heart cupcakes
  1. Vanilla Cake Batter (click here for the cake)
For Frosting
  1. Softened Butter 1/2 cup
  2. Confectioner sugar 1 and 1/2 cup
  3. Milk or cream    2 tbsp
  4. Vanilla extract 1/2 tsp

  • Make Batter as per the recipe.
  • Then take about a 1/3 of the batter and place in small bowl Add red food color to the batter to get a nice shade of pink. Cover the plain batter with cling wrap and refrigerate until use.
  • Put pink batter in a square baking pan and bake at 350 F for about 20 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  • Remove from pan and allow to cool completely.
  • Cut out heart shapes from the pink cooled cake with a 1"cookie cutter.
  • Line muffins pan with cupcake liner.
  • Place 2 tbsp of the plain batter in the bottom of a cupcake liner in a cupcake pan. Place one pink cake heart pointy side down in the center of the batter making sure to push it all the way down to the bottom.
  •  Cover the top of the heart with about 1-1 1/2 tbsp of additional plain batter.
  • Bake the cupcakes at 350 F for about 20 minutes until a tooth pick inserted in the plain batter comes out clean.
Once the cake cooled completely, frost the cake.
In a mixing bowl, using electric mixer cream butter until light and fluffy. Beat in confectioner sugar,vanilla and milk. If needed add milk to get desired frosting consistency.
Then pipe frosting and decorate with desired tips n design, if needed sprinkle sugar sprinkles.

The entire recipe can make 8" round cake.
Got more left over Pink batter cake.
