Friday, April 10, 2015

Vanilla Sweet Bun/Sweet Vanilla Bun

Today's recipe is a sweet vanilla bun which I tried from Gayathri's space.These buns were crispy outside and soft inside with a mild sweet taste and vanilla flavor.These buns are a perfect tea time snack and it tastes delicious when its served warm.
When I made the dough for this bun and kept it for proofing,the dough was not raised properly even after 11/2 hours.But after rolling and kept it for the second raise it rose well and ended up in a soft,crispy delicious buns.Lets move on to the recipe................................................

                                                          Vanilla Sweet Bun/Sweet Vanilla Bun

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 30 minutes
   Proofing time 1 1/2 hours+11/2 hours
   Cooking time 20-25 minutes
   Makes 12 buns


All purpose flour
13/4 cups+2 tbs
for dusting
Instant yeast
1 tsp
Unsalted butter
1/4 cup(melted)
3 tbs
1/2 cup+2 tbs
(for brushing)
1/2 tsp
Vanilla extract11/2 tsp

   For the filling
Granulated white sugar
1/4 cup
Unsalted butter
3 -4 tbs

  • Mix in melted butter,sugar,milk and vanilla extract together.Take all purpose flour,instant yeast,salt and in a bowl.To this add the milk and butter,knead it to a soft dough.Knead the dough on a floured surface for 10 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.Shape the dough and keep it in a warm place for 11/2 hours or the volume of the dough doubled.

  •  Knead the dough on a floured surface for 10 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.Shape the dough and keep it in a warm place for 11/2 hours or the volume of the dough doubled.

  • After the raise,punch down the dough and divide it to two equal portions.Now divide each portion to 4 equal portion and roll it to  around ball.Now on  a floured surface,roll each ball to 5-6 inch diameter.Apply a tsp of butter and sprinkle some sugar.Keep it aside.Continue for the rest of the 3 balls.

  • Now stack 4 layers and roll it to a log from one end,cut it into 5-6 pieces.Continue the same process for the remaining balls .Roll and cut it.

  •  Arrange the cut rolls on a greased round baking tray as shown.Keep it in a warm place for another 11/2-2 hours.Before 10 minutes of the second proofing time pre-heat the oven at 350 F.Brush the rolls with the milk and bake it for 20-25 minutes or a nice golden crust formed.Cool it in a cooling rack.

  • Serve it warm with a cup of tea or coffee

    • Since sugar and butter is stuffed inside the roll the top of the rolls become slightly crispy and browned faster.
    • If you feel the top is getting golden in 10 minutes,wrap the baking pan with aluminium foil and bake it.
    • Arrange the cut rolls closer to each other,after the second raise it will expand and cover the whole pan.
    • I didn't warm the milk as the butter was melted and bit hot so added the the milk to it.



    Thursday, April 9, 2015

    No Knead Classic White Bread

    After I decided the themes for this marathon,I wanted to share a classic white bread for the bread and buns theme.I never tried baking a loaf bread on my own.Long time back may be years ago once I tried in the bread maker and it took 3 hours to finish one loaf.After that I never made a loaf with that,packed the bread machine and kept it in storage.
    I finished most of my yeast bread and bun recipe before the marathon starts.White bread was left and wanted to make the Tangzong method.One day tried and it came out good and couldn't control my eagerness how the bread turned out.As a result slice the bread when it was warm and made a mess.But the taste and texture was very nice,made sandwich out it and finished in a day.
    Second trial came out very well and waited till the bread was cool but my bad luck the weather was very bad and the clicks were shaky and blured.Finally left the idea of making loaf bread for this series.
    One fine day when I was googling,found a you tube video of making no knead white bread loaf.The output of the bread and the texture tempted me.So that evening itself made the dough and kept it for over night raise.The next morning the dough rose well and made the loaf.For my surprise the bread came out very well and had it for our breakfast.
    Since this is a no knead version and uses less amount of yeast,it needs to be proofed for at least 10-12 hours.Lets move on to the recipe....................................................

                                                                                  No Knead Classic White Bread

       Basic Information

       Preparation time 15-20 minutes
       Proofing time 10-12 hours
       Cooking time 30-40 minutes
       Makes 1 loaf


    Bread Flour
    4 cups+2 tbs
    for dusting
    Instant yeast
    1/2 tsp
    Unsalted butter/oil
    (room temperature)
    3 tbs
    1 tbs
    1 tsp
    Tap cold water
    2 cups
    Milk /butter/oilfor brushing

    • Take all bread flour,butter,instant yeast,salt and sugar in a bowl.Mix it well,to this add the tap cold water and knead it to a dough.If the dough is sticky that's fine no need to add flour.Cover it with a cling wrap and keep it undisturbed in a warm place for 10-12 hours or overnight.

    •  After 10-12 hours or overnight raise the dough would have doubled.Now on a floured surface knead the dough for 5 minutes and shape it to a rectangular log and keep it in a greased loaf pan.Cover the pan and keep it in a warm place for 1 hour.Before 10 minutes of the second rasie,pre-heat the oven for 375 F. 

    • Now brush the loaf with milk/butter/oil.Bake it for 35-40 minutes or a nice golden crust formed.Once its done remove it from the oven and let it sit for 2-3 minutes,now transfer it to a cooling rack and let it cool completely.

    • Slice it and serve it with spread of your choice.

      • Instead of bread flour,whole wheat flour or 2 cups of all purpose and 2 cups of wheat flour can also be used.
      • Here I used 81/2 x 41/2 loaf pan,but for this measurement 9 x 51/2 also works fine.



      Khaliat Nahal/Honey Comb Buns

      Khaliat Nahal means bee hives in Arabic and its stuffed with a variety of sweet stuffing and savory.These buns are baked close to each other in a round baking pan to form a honey comb pattern.For the sweet version the honey combs are topped with sugar glaze.
      When I wanted to make a sweet version with the stuffing the first thing came in my mind was with tutty frutty as I had a big packet of tutty frutty in the refrigerator I wanted to finish of as early as possible.Along with tutty frutty added some chopped nuts and dessicated coconut.The stuffing can be your choice,chocolate,cream cheese ,dry fruits also used for this one.The buns were so delicious and perfect.Off to the recipe..................

                                                                                          Khaliat Nahal/Honey Comb Buns

         Basic Information
         Recipe Source  My Diverse Kitchen
         Preparation time 25 minutes
         Proofing time 1 hour 30 minutes
         Cooking time 25-30 minutes
         Makes 9-10 small size buns


      All purpose flour
      11/4 cups+1 tbs
      for dusting
      Instant yeast
      11/4 tsp
      Unsalted butter
      (room temperature )
      3 tbs
      3 tbs
      Lukewarm milk
      1/2 cup+1 tbs
      1/2 tsp
      Milk /butterfor brushing

        For the filling

      Tutty frutty
      4 tbs
      2 tbs
      Chopped cashews and
      1 tbs
      Desiccated coconut  
      2 tbs
      Cardamom powder 
      a pinchL

        For the Sugar Glaze

      1/3 cup
      1/4 cup
      Lemon juice
      1/2 tsp

      • Take all purpose flour,instant yeast,salt and sugar in a bowl.To this add the lukewarm milk and mix it to a slightly sticky dough. Now add the butter to the dough and incorporate well and knead to a soft dough.Cover it with a damp cloth and keep it in a warm place for raise for an hour.Meanwhile mix the ingredients give for the stuffing and keep it aside.

      •  Make the sugar syrup  by adding water to the sugar and bring it to a boil.Let it simmer for 3-4 minutes.Finally add the lemon juice and put off the flame.Let it cool down completely.
      • Punch down the dough and on a floured surface knead the dough for at least 5-7 minutes till it becomes smooth. Roll the dough to a smooth log and cut it into 9-10 equal portions.

      • Now flatten each roll and keep a generous amount of stuffing and pull the sides and close it and roll it.Keep the rolled bun on a baking tray.Repeat it for the rest and keep it arranged closely in a circle manner to form a honey comb pattern.Cover it and let it rest for another 30-40 minutes.Before 10 minutes of the second raise pre heat the oven at 350 F and brush the rolls with milk or butter.Bake it for 25 minutes in the preheated oven (mine too exactly 22 minutes).
      • Once its done take it out and let it rest for couple of minutes.Now pour the prepared syrup on the top of the buns.The buns should be hot and the syrup should be cool.Let it sit for couple of minutes or till the buns/rolls absorb the syrup

      • Serve it with warm with tea or coffee.

      • Lemon juice prevents the crystallization of sugar syrup and saffron can also be added for extra flavor but I didn't use it.
      • The rolls taste better when it is served warm,just microwave it for 5 seconds and serve. .
      • The sweetness was just perfect if you want it a bit sweeter version then add you can increase the amount of sugar while kneading the dough.



      Tuesday, April 7, 2015

      Cinnamon Roll Bear Claw

      When I was looking for cinnamon rolls recipe,found a video of shaping the cinnamon bear claw.The shape sounds quiet interesting and attractive.But the recipe was not clearly given and started searching for bear claw recipe,found a very nice recipe here.The shape and picture of the recipe made me to try immediately and came out good.
      Coming to the shape I couldn't achieve like the original one and made the roll slightly bigger.Instead of cutting a roll into 3 pieces,I cut into two.The taste was amazing and while baking the house was filled with the aroma of cinnamon.My kiddo enjoyed it to the core and loved the cinnamon flavor.For the given measurement 4 bear claws can be made.I made 2 claws one day and refrigerate the rest of the dough,made cinnamon buns on the next day.As there was no charge in the camera I couldn't take the pictures of it.Off to the recipe...........................

                                                                                           Cinnamon Roll Bear Claw

         Basic Information

         Preparation time 30 minutes
         Proofing time 1 1/2 hours
         Cooking time 30-40 minutes
         Makes 4 rolls (6 inch size)


      All purpose flour
      13/4 cups+2 tbs
      for dusting
      Instant yeast
      11/2 tsp
      Unsalted butter
      3 tbs
      2 tbs
      Lukewarm milk
      1/2 cup+2 tbs
      1/2 tsp
      Milk /butterfor brushing

         For the filling
      Light brown sugar
      1/4 cup
      Granulated white sugar
      1/4 cup
      Unsalted butter
      3 tbs
      Cinnamon powder
      2 tsp

        For the glaze
      Powdered sugar/
      confectionery sugar
      1/4 cup
      Vanilla extract
      1/4 tsp
      1 tsp

      • Take all purpose flour,butter,instant yeast,salt and sugar in a bowl.To this add the lukewarm milk and mix it to a soft dough.Knead the dough on a floured surface for 10 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.Shape the dough and keep it in a warm place for 11/2 hours or the volume of the dough doubled.

      •  Meanwhile mix the sugars and cinnamon powder in a bowl and line the baking tray with parchment paper.Keep it aside.
      • After the dough has risen well,pinch it down and roll it.Divide the dough into two equal portions.Now slightly floured the surface and roll the each divided to a 12x 15 inch sheet.Brush it with a tbs of butter and sprinkle half of  the sugar-cinnamon mixture.

      • Now carefully roll from the one end and roll it to a log and pinch the ends and seal it.Cut the roll into half and pinch the cut end to seal.Place the rolls on the baking tray and slightly curve it.Now with a help of shears,make 5-6 cuts on the rolled log as shown.Not to cut all the way through.Continue it for the rest of the rolls.

      • Now brush it with the rest of the butter and pre heat the oven at 350 F.Bake the rolls for 30-40 minutes or until golden.Remove it and cool it on a cooling rack.After its completely cool down,mix the powdered sugar,vanilla and milk in a bowl.Drizzle it on the top the rolls using a spoon.

      •  Cut and serve.

        • The dough should be slightly stick,don't add too much of flour while kneading.
        • The rolls taste better when it is served warm,just microwave it for 5 seconds and serve. .
        • The sweetness was just perfect if you want it a bit sweeter version then add another tbs of sugar.
        • The amount of cinnamon powder can be increased according to personal preference.I reduced the amount from the original recipe.
        • For the cinnamon powder,I kept the whole cinnamon in the microwave for a minute and powder it in a coffee grinder and sieve it.



        Monday, April 6, 2015

        Crescent Rolls/Eggless Crescent Rolls

        For the second of breads,buns  and rolls theme I am sharing you a delicious crescent roll.My family loves the flaky croissants  available in the super market.But I was bit hesitate to try the amount of butter used  in the recipe and work involved.
        When I was googling for some rolls,suddenly I remembered a recipe I tired long time back from a library book.But I couldn't find out the hand written note,so searched online and finally landed Cooking Classy.
        Again I scaled down the measurement and made these rolls.These rolls are dangerously addictive,soft and light.The taste of the rolls were so close the store bought one but it was not flaky.It doesn't need any spread it can be eaten as such,but if you want some jelly or jam can be accompanied.
        As my kiddo wanted some of the rolls to be with nutella I stuffed half of the batch with nutella.I gobbled two rolls as soon as it was out from the oven and couldn't stop myself munching these yummy rolls.Try these yummy rolls and now on to the recipe....................................

                                                                                              Crescent Rolls/Eggless Crescent Rolls

           Basic Information

           Preparation time 30 minutes
           Proofing time 1 hour 40 minutes
           Cooking time 15-20 minutes
           Makes 24 mini rolls


        All purpose flour
        21/4 cups+1 tbs
        for dusting
        Instant yeast
        11/4 tsp
        Unsalted butter
        (room temperature )
        6 tbs
        3 tbs
        Lukewarm milk
        3/4 cup+1 tbs
        3/4 tsp
        Milk /butterfor brushing
        Nutella (optional)2-3 tbs 

        • Take all purpose flour, 3 tbs of butter,instant yeast,salt and sugar in a bowl.To this add the lukewarm milk and mix it to a slightly sticky dough. 

        •  Now on a floured surface knead the dough for at least 5-7 minutes till it becomes smooth. Transfer to the bowl and keep it a warm place to raise for an hour to 90 minutes without getting disturbed.After an hour the dough would be doubled in size and if you make an indent on the dough it stays.

        • Now punch down the dough and divide it into 2 equal portions.On a floured surface roll the dough into a 10-12 inches circle.Spread evenly 1-11/2 tbs of butter on the circle.Cut the circle into four and cut each quarter to 3 wedges using a pizza cutter or knife.

        • Roll each wedge from the broader side as shown in the picture.Keep the tucked side in the bottom and transfer it to a baking tray.Continue for the rest of the wedges and arrange it on a backing tray.If you are using nutella keep a tsp of it on the broader side and roll it the same way.

        •  Cover the baking tray with a cling wrap and keep it in a warm place for another hour to let it raise. Before 10 minutes of the second raise pre heat the oven at 375 F and brush the rolls with milk or egg.Bake it for 15-20 minutes in the preheated oven (mine too exactly 19 minutes).Once its done brush it with butter and remove it.Cool it on a cooling rack.

        • Serve it with warm with a spread or butter.

        • The dough should be slightly stick,don't add too much of flour while kneading.
        • The rolls taste better when it is served warm,just microwave it for 5 seconds and serve. .
        • The sweetness was just perfect if you want it a bit sweeter version then add another tbs of sugar.
        • If you are using salted butter then no need to add the salt.

