Thursday, April 9, 2015

No Knead Classic White Bread

After I decided the themes for this marathon,I wanted to share a classic white bread for the bread and buns theme.I never tried baking a loaf bread on my own.Long time back may be years ago once I tried in the bread maker and it took 3 hours to finish one loaf.After that I never made a loaf with that,packed the bread machine and kept it in storage.
I finished most of my yeast bread and bun recipe before the marathon starts.White bread was left and wanted to make the Tangzong method.One day tried and it came out good and couldn't control my eagerness how the bread turned out.As a result slice the bread when it was warm and made a mess.But the taste and texture was very nice,made sandwich out it and finished in a day.
Second trial came out very well and waited till the bread was cool but my bad luck the weather was very bad and the clicks were shaky and blured.Finally left the idea of making loaf bread for this series.
One fine day when I was googling,found a you tube video of making no knead white bread loaf.The output of the bread and the texture tempted me.So that evening itself made the dough and kept it for over night raise.The next morning the dough rose well and made the loaf.For my surprise the bread came out very well and had it for our breakfast.
Since this is a no knead version and uses less amount of yeast,it needs to be proofed for at least 10-12 hours.Lets move on to the recipe....................................................

                                                                              No Knead Classic White Bread

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 15-20 minutes
   Proofing time 10-12 hours
   Cooking time 30-40 minutes
   Makes 1 loaf


Bread Flour
4 cups+2 tbs
for dusting
Instant yeast
1/2 tsp
Unsalted butter/oil
(room temperature)
3 tbs
1 tbs
1 tsp
Tap cold water
2 cups
Milk /butter/oilfor brushing

  • Take all bread flour,butter,instant yeast,salt and sugar in a bowl.Mix it well,to this add the tap cold water and knead it to a dough.If the dough is sticky that's fine no need to add flour.Cover it with a cling wrap and keep it undisturbed in a warm place for 10-12 hours or overnight.

  •  After 10-12 hours or overnight raise the dough would have doubled.Now on a floured surface knead the dough for 5 minutes and shape it to a rectangular log and keep it in a greased loaf pan.Cover the pan and keep it in a warm place for 1 hour.Before 10 minutes of the second rasie,pre-heat the oven for 375 F. 

  • Now brush the loaf with milk/butter/oil.Bake it for 35-40 minutes or a nice golden crust formed.Once its done remove it from the oven and let it sit for 2-3 minutes,now transfer it to a cooling rack and let it cool completely.

  • Slice it and serve it with spread of your choice.

    • Instead of bread flour,whole wheat flour or 2 cups of all purpose and 2 cups of wheat flour can also be used.
    • Here I used 81/2 x 41/2 loaf pan,but for this measurement 9 x 51/2 also works fine.



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