Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Checkerboard Cookies/Eggless Checker Board Cookies

Today's recipe for the Blogging Marathon #51 is going to be eggless checker board cookies.These cookies can be made with 4 to 12 checks but I made it with 9 checks.
These cookies are mouth melting and crunchy with a nice mixed taste of vanilla and chocolate.But when I made these cookies,by mistake I added 2 tbs of cocoa powder that's the reason its in a deep brown color.Also the white dough was spreaded little,so try to keep it in refrigerator for 30 more minutes.Also I used the fresh home made butter made from the cream.Off to the recipe.................................

                                                                                                              Checker Board Cookies

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 25 minutes
   Resting time 1-2 hours
   Cooking time 10-12 minutes
   Makes 12-14 cookies


  For the Vanilla Dough

All purpose flour
3/4 cup
Granulated sugar
4 tbs
Unsalted Butter(room temperature)
4 tbs
Vanilla extract
1 tsp
Baking powder
a pinch
a pinch

For the Chocolate Dough

All purpose flour
3/4 cup
Granulated sugar
5 tbs
Unsalted Butter(room temperature)
4 tbs
Cocoa powder
1 tbs
Baking powder
a pinch
a pinch

  • In a bowl mix in the all purpose flour,baking powder and salt.Set it aside.Cream the butter, and sugar together well.Add the vanilla extract,to this add the flour mixture.

  • Knead it to a soft dough,if the dough is crumbly,add some milk.Now to make chocolate dough,mix in the cocoa powder,flour,baking powder and salt.Cream the butter and sugar well and to this add the flour mixture and mix it to form a dough.If needed add some milk.

  • Slightly flatten the dough separately and form a rectangular or square slab.Flatten the chocolate dough slightly bigger for this pattern as it needs 5 strips.Wrap it with a cling wrap and refrigerate in for an hour or two.Now remove the wrap carefully and cut the vanilla dough to 4 strips and chocolate dough to 5 strips.Arrange the bottom layer with two chocolate and one vanilla dough alternatively.Do the middle layer by 2 vanilla and chocolate dough alternately.Do the final layer as the first one.While arranging slightly push each strip to get attached well.

  • Pre heat the oven at350 F.Now carefully slice the log with the knife and arrange it on a lined baking tray,an inch apart.Bake it in the pre heated oven for 12-14 minutes.Cool it on a wire rack and store it.

  • Serve it as a snack along with milk or as such.

  • While arranging the strips slightly press to get attached and even after slicing also slightly press it.
  • Instead of cutting into strips you can roll the dough to a cylindrical coil and do it .



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