Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Eggless Marble Bundt Cake

For the day 2 of Blogging Marathon #51 under the eggless cakes theme,I am sharing you a simple marble cake made in a bundt pan.As I wanted to share simple and easy to make cakes for the theme I chose this marble cake.
I made this cake for the first and it came out very soft and moist.In the original recipe it was made in the bundt pan so I too wanted to try in that pan instead of loaf or round pan.But unfortunately the pan I used is slightly bigger so the height of the cake was not as expected as the original recipe.
The original recipe is with butter but here I used around 2 tbs of oil and substituted the milk powder with the sweetened condensed milk.
I used cocoa powder for little amount of batter,if you want you can use of for half of the batter.Lets move on to the recipe.........................

                                                                                   Eggless  Marble Bundt Cake

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 15 minutes
   Cooking time 30-40 minutes
   Makes 8' bundt cake


All purpose flour
11/4 cups
Olive oil or any neutral oil 
2 tbs
Sweetened condensed milk
2 tbs
Baking powder
11/4 tsp
Baking soda
a pinch
Butter/vennai6 tbs
Salta pinch
Sugar3/4 cup
Milk3/4 cup
Vanilla1 tsp
Cocoa powder11/2-2 tbs
Hot water2 tbs

  • Take all purpose flour,baking soda,powder,mix it well and sieve it for couple of times.Grease the baking pan with baking spray or oil and dust some flour.Keep it aside.Pre heat the oven in 350 F.Mix the cocoa powder with hot water and mix it well.Keep it aside and let it come to room temperature.
  •  Now in a bowl take the condensed milk,oil,butter and sugar,whisk in an electric hand blender or whisker until it becomes creamy and smooth.Now in batches add in flour.

  • Add milk and mix the batter with a spatulaIf the batter is too thick add in little more milk.Take 2-3 spatula of batter and mix it well with the cocoa mixture.

  • Now to the rest of batter add in the vanilla and mix it well.Now add a layer of vanilla batter one layer to the pan and the a layer of cocoa batter.Alternate it with the rest of the batter.

  • Now with the help of butter knife slowly swirl the top of the batter.Do not mix it to much otherwise it will end up in a light brown cake.Bake it in the pre-heated oven for 35-40 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean (mine took 40 minutes).After couple of minutes invert the cake to a wire rack.Let it cool completely.

  • After cooling slice it and store it in a container.Dust it with some powdered sugar or cocoa powder and serve it.

  • The milk should be in the room temperature or slightly warm.
  • Sieve the flour for couple of times,its necessary to get a nice texture.
  • If the condensed milk is refrigerated,let it come to room temperature and use it .
  • Addition of oil gives a nice and fluffy texture as well as the cake will be light.



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