Sunday, April 19, 2015

Garlic Coriander Flower Bread/Flower Shaped Garlic Coriander Bread

Entering the 4th week of the mega Blogging Marathon under baking theme and for this week I planned to showcase the savory recipes and miscellaneous baking.
Today's recipe is going to be yet another flavorful bread made with Indian flavors such as garlic and coriander.
For this theme I made a pull apart with the same flavor,but again my bad luck,the clicks are not satisfied due to gloomy weather .
So wanted to try the same flavor with different shape.When I was searching some videos to shape the bread,this flower shape bread with nutella looks cute and easy to make.So tried in a savory flavor and the result was a very nice and flavorful bread.Here,also I shaped a small quantity of dough to a different flower.You can try your own choice of stuffing.Off to the recipe.........................

                                   Garlic Coriander Flower Bread/Flower Shaped Garlic Coriander Bread

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 30 minutes
   Proofing time 1 1/2 hours+40 minutes
   Cooking time 20-25 minutes
   Makes 1 flower bread


All purpose flour
2 cups+3 tbs
for dusting
Instant yeast
11/4 tsp
Olive oil
3 tbs
1 tsp
1/2 cup+1 tbs
Unsalted butter
1 tbs(for brushing)

   For the filling

Unsalted butter
(room temperature)
 Garlic(finely chopped or grated)
4-5 fat cloves
Coriander leaves(finely chopped)
3-4 tbs
Green chilly(finely chopped)
2 pinches

  • Take all purpose flour,instant yeast,salt and oil in a bowl.To this add the luke warm milk and knead it to a soft dough.Knead the dough on a floured surface for 10 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.Shape the dough and keep it in a warm place for 1-11/2 hours or the volume of the dough doubled.
  •  Punch down the dough and divide the dough to two equal parts.Divide each portion to 3 equal portions and roll into a round ball.Meanwhile mix in the  butter,chopped garlic,coriander leaves and green chilly.Now roll out the each ball to a 9 inch flat round using a rolling pin on a floured surface.Spread generously the garlic butter filling on the flatten disc.
  • Transfer the rolled disc to a line baking tray.Now continue for the rest of the dough.Keep the second disc on the top of the first and continue stacking for the rest.To mark a center keep a round glass in the center and make 4 slits as shown.Then make it into 8.
  • Finally make 16 slits.Now carefully lift the adjacent portions and twist it in the opposite direction.Stick the ends together.Continue for the rest of the slits.Now seal the edges of the twist.If any stuffing is left just brush it on the top.Cover the tray with the foil or cloth and keep it in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.Before 10 minutes of the second raise preheat the oven at 350F.Now brush the top with butter and bake it in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes or till a nice golden crust formed.Remove it from the oven and brush it some butter.
  • Take one rolled ball and flatten it to a 3 inch disc.Keep a generous amount of stuffing and pull the edges and close it.On a floured surface flatten it to a 3-4 inch disc and make 8 slits as shown and flip each of the cut portion to form a flower shape.
  • Serve it warm with tea as a snack or an appetizer

  • Here I added a pinch of salt for the stuffing,if you are using salted butter then no need..
  • I used, very finely chopped garlic here,but it can be grated in a cheese grater and used..



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