Friday, April 3, 2015

Eggless Butterless Dates Cake /Dates Cake

Today is day 4 and its the final day post for this week and the recipe is Dates cake under the eggless cake series.I wanted to try this cake ever since I bookmarked from Divya's space.
In the original recipe the cake looks dark brown color like a fruit cake.But mine was came out light so pale. Its may be due to the color of the dates and  also I cooked the dates with milk instead of water.That's the reason couldn't achieve a dark brown color like the original one.The cake came out so spongy with a perfect texture and the addition of cardamom powder makes it more flavorful.
This cake can be eaten as such but it tastes awesome when its served along with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.Off to the recipe..............................................

                                                                                      Eggless Butterless Dates Cake

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 15 minutes
   Cooking time 30-40 minutes
   Makes 8 inch cake


All purpose flour
11/4 cups
Olive oil or any neutral oil 
6 tbs
6 tbs
Baking powder
11/5 tsp
Baking soda
1/4 tsp
Custard powder2 tbs
Salta pinch
Cardamom powder/ellakai1/4 tsp
Milk1/2 cup
Nutmeg and cinnamon powdera pinch each(optional)

  • Take all purpose flour,baking soda and powder and sieve it for couple of times.Grease the baking pan with baking spray or oil and dust some flour or put a parchment paper.Keep it aside.
  •  Now in a pan take the milk and dates and cook it for 10 minutes or till the dates become soft.Let it cool down completely and grind it to a fine paste.

  • Pre- heat the oven in 350 F and in a mixing bowl take the oil and sugar,beat it well with a whisker or hand blend till it becomes frothy.Add in the ground dates paste and mix it well.Now add the sieved flour and cardamom powder,nutmeg and cinnamon powder(if you are using).

  • Mix it well with the spatula gently,now add in the chopped cashews and give it a mix.Transfer the cake batter to the baking pan and bake it in the pre- heated oven for 35-40 minutes or a tooth pick comes out clean.After couple of minutes invert the cake to a wire rack and remove the parchment paper.Let it cool completely,after cooling slice it.
  •  Store it in a container,after it cools down completely.

  • If the consistency of the batter is too thick then add some re milk and adjust the consistency.
  • Sieve the flour for couple of times,its necessary to get a nice texture.
  • Do not bake it for more than 40 minutes.
  • This cake can be stored in room temperature in air tight container for two days.



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