Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kadambur Poli/Puran poli

Today is my second day of blogging marathon and recipe is Kadambur Poli.Kadambur is a place in Tuticorin district in Tamilnadu which is famous for puran poli.This is a famous sweet  dish which is prepared for festivals and special occasions.In my MIL's house it is made for Diwali and Karthigai deepam and my hubby dear's favorite.Since it is my hubby's favorite,make it very often.Though it involves a bit lengthy process its worth it for the taste.Here goes the recipe.


Maida(all purpose flour) 2cups
Turmeric Powder1/2tsp
Water to knead
Ghee to cook

For the stuffing
Channa dhal(kadalai paruppu) 1cup
Cardamom powder1/2tsp
Salt a pinch


                  Mix in maida,salt,oil,sugar and turmeric powder and knead it to soft piable dough with water.The dough should be little softer than chappathi dough.Keep it covered and let it rest for atleast 2-3 hours.

Cook the channa dhal in a pressure cooker for a whistle or cook it in a open pot soft,not to mushy.
Melt the jaggery with 1/2 cup of water and strain it and add it to the channa dhal and allow it cool.Once its cool down put it in a blender and make it to a coarse paste.

Heat the frying pan and saute the coconut till the aroma comes out(I used the dessicated coconut and didn't saute) and add the ground paste,stir it continously till it becomes thick.(able to make balls).Finally add in the cardamom powder and a pinch of salt and mix it well.Turn off the stove and let it cool down.Make small balls and set it aside.

Pinch out a small lemon sized ball from the prepared dough and flatten it to a small disc on a greased  aluminium  foil or a banana leaf.Keep the stuffing in  the disc and cover it with the dough,make sure all the side are sealed properly.Apply little oil in the fingers and flatten it or roll it gently with a roller to the desired thickness.

Heat a griddle and transfer the poli to the griddle(as shown in the picture) and cook both sides in a medium flame,drizzle a spoon of ghee.Transfer to a plate.

Yummy..Yummy ..Poli is ready to serve.

  • The dough consistency is the secret for getting soft polis,using little more than half a cup of water for a cup of maida gives a soft piable dough.
  • Fresh coconut can be substituted with dessicated coconut.
  • While stacking the polis use of butter paper or parchment paper between two polis to prevent sticking  each other.
  • It can be stored in the refrigerator for a week,for reheating keep it in MW for 5-10 seconds or in a hot griddle and drizzle it with little ghee.

Check out my friend's recipe here.

 Sending this to Serve it Series - Festival Potluck.
Only -sweets and Desserts hosted by Gayathri and started by Pari and for the Giveaway.
Diwali special - Sweets and Savories,Diwali - Festival of Lights. 
Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

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