Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bombay Halwa/Maida Halwa

Today is a special day for me,its been100 days since I started blogging.In these 100 days I gained lot of knowledge in blogging and come across so many amazing blogs.I got more than 100 friends who are following my blog and received 4 awards.I like to convey my heartfelt thanks to all my talented and wonderful fellow bloggers,friends who are supporting  me with their valuable comments to achieve this.To celebrate this special day I like to share a delicious and special sweet with all my friends.
Halwa is one of my favorite and hubby's too,this is a very famous sweet in my home town,usually halwa is made of whole wheat but this one is with maida and ghee.I make this sweet for special occasions and here is the recipe for the mouth watering recipe...


All purpose flour1cup
Cardamom powder1/2tsp
Food color(red or orange)1/8tsp
Salta pinch
Corn flour(optional)1tbs


                              Mix maida,corn flour,salt and food color with 2-21/2 cups of water(like buttermilk),strain it and set aside.Keep a heavy bottom wide mouth pan on the stove top with half cup of water,dissolve the sugar and let it boil till it reaches single string consistency.
Once the sugar syrup reaches the consistency add in the maida mixture and stir it vigorously till it cooks.
Now slowly add ghee with intervals and stir it continuously till the mix mixture leaves the sides.Add the cardamom powder and turn off the stove.Fry the cashews and almonds in a tsp of ghee and add half amount of nuts to the halwa.
Grease a tray with ghee and sprinkle the remaining nuts on the tray.Now pour the mixture on the tray and allow it to cool.
Cut into desired shape with the knife or it can be served as such with a ladle.
  • To get a perfect halwa the amount ghee is so important so don't compromise on that.
  • Using corn flour with the maida is optional but it gives a glossy texture to the halwa.
  • The amount sugar can be increased or decreased according ti your taste buds.


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