Showing posts with label Spreads and Sauces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spreads and Sauces. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Homemade Tomato Ketchup

Making tomato ketchup is quite simple.Homemade ketchup is thick and tangy,much more better than store bought one.
I tried this tomato ketchup last summer when I had lot of home grown tomatoes.But couldn't get a chance to take the pictures.
Finally I made it with 1/2 kg of tomatoes for the sauces and preserves theme in Blogging Marathon edition 74.Off to the recipe.....................

                               Homemade Tomato Ketchup

   Basic Information

   Recipe Source  here
   Preparation time 5 minutes
   Cooking time 30 minutes
   Makes around 150 ml


Ripe tomatoes
1/2 kg(roughly chopped)
1/2 cup
Granulated sugar or brown sugar
5 tbs
White Vinegar
1/ cup
Red chilli powder/milagai podi
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp

  • Take the roughly chopped tomatoes in a pressure cooker.To this add the 1/2 cup of water and pressure cook it for 3-4 whistles.After the pressure subsides,blend it with a hand blender to a fine puree.
  • Pass  through the puree in a strainer to remove the seeds and the skin.Now in a pan take the puree,sugar,salt,red chilly powder and vinegar.
  • Keep the pan on a stove top and mix it well.Let it simmer for 15-20 minutes.In between stir it frequently to prevent burning.Once the mixture becomes thick put off the flame.To check,the ketchup is done,take few drops in a plate and tilt it.If its not runny then the ketchup is ready.

  • After cooling store it in a glass jar and refrigerate.

  • Transfer the sauce to the glass bottle or container after cool down completely.
  • The amount of red chilli can be increased for a spicy version.
  • The amount of sugar can also be increased if you want a sweeter ketchup.
  • It stays good in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.


 I tried this tomato ketchup last summer when I had lot of home grown tomatoes Homemade Tomato Ketchup

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#74.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sweet Chilli Sauce

Coming to day 2 under Sauces and Preserves,is sweet chilli sauce.Sweet Chilli sauce is a versatile dip or accompaniment for Asian starters and snacks.

I usually buy this sauce,but after seeing couple of videos in YouTube,I wanted to give a try,as the procedure is simple.The sauce came out very delicious with a perfect blend of sweetness and spiciness.

Here I have used the store bought chilli flakes to make the sauce.The regular red chillies can be pulsed in a blender and used. I made a small batch,as it was my first try.You can easily double or triple the quantity and can be stored in the refrigerator for a while.

                               Sweet Chilli Sauce

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 5 minutes
   Cooking time 10-12 minutes
   Makes around 150 ml


Granulated white or brown sugar
1/4 cup
1/3 cup
Chilli flakes
2-3 tsp
Garlic/poondu(very finely chopped)
1 fat clove
Tomato Ketchup
2 -3 tsp
2 tbs
1/4 tsp
Corn starch
2 tsp

  • Take the sugar,water,chilli flakes,finely chopped garlic,vinegar,tomato ketchup,salt in a sauce pan and heat it over a medium flame.Once the sugar dissolved let it simmer for 5-7 minutes.Now mix the corn starch with  2 tsp of water add it to the boiling mixture. 
  •  Mix it well.Now the sauce will tend to become slightly thick.Cook it for a minute and put off the flame.After cooling store it in an air tight glass bottle or container.
  • Refrigerate for 2-3 weeks.

  • Transfer the sauce to the glass bottle or container after cool down completely.
  • The amount of red chilli can be increased for a spicy version.
  • Addition of ketchup gives a nice color and tangy taste to the sauce.


Sweet Chilli sauce is a versatile dip or accompaniment for Asian starters and snacks Sweet Chilli Sauce

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#74.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Homemade Chocolate Sauce / Easy Homemade Chocolate Sauce

After  a short break,I am joining the Blogging marathon edition 74 and we are entering the 3rd week.
For this week I chose to share some sauces and preserves and today's recipe is an easy to make chocolate sauce.

This sauce can be used as a topping for various desserts,crepes and pancakes.Just need 10-15 minutes to make with 4 easily available ingredients.
Tastes much better than the store bought sauces.Store the sauce in the refrigerator up to 2-3 in a glass bottle.Warm the sauce in the microwave if desired.To make it extra flavorful,add a tsp of vanilla.Off to the recipe......................

                                         Homemade Chocolate Sauce/Easy Homemade Chocolate Sauce

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 5 minutes
   Cooking time 10 minutes
   Makes 2 cups(approximately)


Semi sweetened Chocolate Chips
1.25 cups
1/3 cup
1/3 cup
Heavy Cream or whole milk
1 cup
2 tbs

  • Take the sugar and water in a sauce pan and heat it over a medium flame.Once the sugar dissolved add the heavy cream or milk.Mix it well and let it simmer for 5-7 minutes.Now add the butter to the mixture and put off the flame.At this stage add in the chocolate chips 
  •  Mix it well.Mix it continuously with a spatula till the chips melt in to a smooth sauce.After cooling store it in an air tight glass bottle or container.
  • Refrigerate for 2-3 weeks.

  • If the sauce becomes thick after refrigerator just keep it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.
  • Transfer the sauce to the glass bottle or container after cool down completely.
  • Since I used the semi sweetened chocolate chips I used 1/3 cup of sugar but 1/2 cup of sugar can also be used.
  • Serve the sauce warm or cold.


I am joining the Blogging marathon edition  Homemade Chocolate Sauce / Easy Homemade Chocolate Sauce

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#74


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chocolate Peanut Butter / Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread

 For day 2 themed under dips,sauce and spread in BM#72 is a kid's friendly spread with peanuts and chocolate.
My kids love Nutella,so wanted to give a try at home with peanuts instead of hazelnuts.The spread came out so creamy and delicious,took only few minutes to make.

Use of store bought roasted peanuts make the work much easier.But here I used the plain roasted peanuts and made it.

It stays good and firm at room temperature,storing in the refrigerator solidifies the spread.But becomes soft in 10 minutes once you take out from the refrigerator. I used the semi sweet chocolate chips,but feel free to use the dark chocolate or cocoa powder.

Also I added some powdered sugar to neutralize the bitterness from the chocolate.If you are a fan of bitter sweet of chocolate then no need to add.

                        Chocolate Peanut Butter / Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread                                                                                                

   Basic Information

   Recipe Source Here
   Preparation time 10 minutes
   Cooking time No cooking time
   Makes around 2 cups


Roasted peanuts
1.25 cups
Semi sweet Chocolate chips
1/2 cup+1 tbs
Powdered sugar
3 tbs
1/8 tsp
Olive oil
1-2 tbs(if needed)

  • If you are using the raw peanuts,then spread it on a plate and microwave it for couple of minutes.
  • Remove the skin and microwave it for another 2-3 minutes with 30 seconds interval.
  • Take the peanut butter in a blender jar and pulse it for 10-15 seconds.Now its powdery,run the blender for another 20-30 seconds continuously for 2-3 times.Now the oil in the peanuts eliminate and form a paste.
  •  At this stage add the chocolate chips,powdered sugar and salt.Run the blender for 30 seconds continuously.Now everything blends well.If you want a smooth spread then run the blender for another 20 seconds.
  • Transfer to a dry glass and store it.
  • Use a clean and dry spoon to take the spread from the jar.

  • The amount of peanuts can be increased to 2 cups if you want the peanut flavor more.
  • If the blender doesn't blend well without any liquid then add the oil and blend it well.Otherwise no need.
  • The consistency is purely personal preference.

  • Enjoy.......................

    s friendly spread with peanuts and chocolate Chocolate Peanut Butter / Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread
