Thursday, December 27, 2012

Murukku (version-2)/Chakli

For the final day of BM#23 I made spicy version of murukku with the cooked urad dhal and rice flour.I have already posted the Diwali Muruku or ThenkuzhalPaasiparuppu(moong dhal) murukku .But this is a slightly spicy version of murruku and my mom learnt it from her neighbor.Here goes the recipe for crunchy murukku..........


Rice flour/arisi maavu2cups
Whole urad dhal/ullutham paruppu1/2cup
Chilly powder/milagai podi1tsp
Cumin seeds/jeeragam 1tsp
Asafoetida 1/8tsp
Saltto taste
Oilfor frying


Pressure cook the urad dhal for 2-3 whistles with 11/2ups of water.Blend the cooked urad dhal in a blender to a fine paste and keep aside.
Take a wide mouth bowl and add rice flour,ground urad dhal,butter,chilly powder,salt,asafoetida,cumin seeds.Mix it well and sprinkle water little by little and make a soft dough.
Mean while heat a pan with oil,fill the murruku press with the prepared dough using the 3 eyed blade and squeeze it in the oil directly or in a small plates and drop it in the oil.Fry it in a medium till it becomes crisp and golden.Drain it on a paper towel and let it cool.
After cooling store it in a air tight container.


  • The flour doesn't need of much water as the urad dhal has moisture in it.I used only 3tbs of water.
  • Butter can be substituted with 3tbs of hot oil.
  • Instead of cumin seeds,carom seeds or sesame seeds can be used.
  • Star shaped blade can be used.
Check out my fellow bloggers participating in BM#23.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Chivda/Aval mixture

Today's recipe under traditional dishes for blogging Marathon#23 is Chivda a guilt free snack.This tea time snack is made with rice flakes(aval) which is popular in North India.We make the similar version of chivda with the puffed rice and follwed the same procedure.
This chivda can be made with both thin and thick variety of poha,today I used the thick variety.Now on to the recipe.......


Thick Poha/rice flakes/aval1cup
Roasted gram dhal/pottukadalai1/4cup
Cashews/mundidri paruppu 2tbs(broken)
Fresh Coconut Pieces 2tbs
Green Chilly(finely chopped)2nos.
Curry leaves/karivepillai2sprigs
Red chilly powder/milagai podi1/2-1tsp
Turmeric powder/manjal podi1/4tsp


  • Dry roast the poha/aval in pan in a medium flame till it becomes crisp and set it aside.
  • Heat a wide mouth pan with the oil,fry the coconut pieces,green chilly and curry leaves till it turns brown and crisp.
  • Then goes in peanuts,roasted gram dhal and cashews,fry it for a minute.
  • Now add the chilly powder,turmeric powder and turn off the stove.
  • Finally add the fried poha,salt,sugar and mix it well till everything gets mixed well.
  • Store it in an air tight container.

  • Make sure after adding the red chilly powder and turmeric powder turn off the stove otherwise it will burn and becomes black.
  • Originally the recipe has dried coconut(copra),as it is not available here used the fresh coconut pieces and fried.
  • The chivda tastes even better the next day,as the flavors get incorporated well.
  • Crushed garlic can also be added along with the curry leaves for extra flavor.
Check out my fellow bloggers in Blogging Marathon#23.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Karanji/Kajjikayalu/Karchikai/Sweet Somas

Today is the 4th week of blogging marathon#23 and I will be blogging under the traditional dishes.
Karanji is a sweet which is popular in Maharastra whereas it is named as sweet somas or karchikai in TamilNadu and Kajjikayalu in Andhra.The shape of making the sweet is same and varoius kinds of stuffing is used in each part of the state.
Coming to today's recipe,it  is a simple and easy to make stuffing with the basic ingredients and the stuffing can be made in advance.
This sweet is one of my child hood favorite and my paternal grandmother is an expert in making this sweet.Whenever she used to visit us she brought this sweet and used a special gadget called somas karandi(spoon) to trim the edges.As I don't have that one, used the pizza cutter to trim the edge and pressed with the fork to get the decorative edge.Here is the recipe................
For the outer covering
All purpose flour/Maida1cup
Salt 1/8tsp
Oil for frying
For the Stuffing
Roasted gram dhal/pottukadalai3/4cup
Cardamom/ellakai 3nos.
Roasted semolina 1tbs(optional)
Finely powdered cashews1tbs(optional)


             Mix the semolina,maida and ghee together,add water little by little and make a firm dough.Keep it aside for 2 hours.
Powder the roasted gram dhal and sugar+cardamom separately and put it in a bowl.Now heat a pan, dry roast the coconut till aromas comes and  golden.Add it to the gram dhal and sugar mixture,mix it well.The stuffing is ready.
Divide the dough into a gooseberry size balls and roll into a thin poori.Keep 2tsp of stuffing in it and apply water on the edges.Fold and seal the edges.
Now trim the edge with the pizza cutter or somas spoon and with the fork gently press and decorate the edge,keep it on plate covered with a cloth to prevent drying.Continue for rest of the dough.
Fry 3-4 pieces in the oil for one batch in a medium heat till it becomes crisp and golden color.Remove it and drain it on a paper towel.
After cooling store it in an air tight container.

  • Somas stay fresh and crisp for a week if it is stored in an air tight container.
  • Fry it in a medium flame to get a crispy and golden colored somas.
  • Adding the roasted rava and ground cashews is purely optional but gives a rich taste. 
  • While pressing with the fork make sure on to press on the top layer otherwise the stuffing will come out.
Check out my fellow bloggers participating in Blogging Marathon#23.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Suji Cookies

Suji cookies are mouth melting cookies which is very popular in Malaysia.I have bookmarked these cookies from Uma's Kitchen Experiments which she adapted from Fun wid Food.
I bookmarked this long time back and didn't get a chance to make these yummy cookies.Last week when I got a mail from Hubby dear's office for a baking competition,without any second thought I baked these delicious cookies.It came out very nice and mouth melting with the flavor of ghee.Now on to the recipe..................


All Purpose Flour/maida1cup
Ghee/clarified butter/nei1/2cup
Icing sugar1/2cup
Roasted ground almond1/2cup
Baking powder 1/2tsp
Baking soda1/2tsp
Vanilla Extract1/2tsp
Food Color(pink,yellow,blue)few drops
Caster sugarfor coating the cookies


                           Mix all purpose flour,salt,baking soda and powder,sift it.To this add the icing sugar.
Then add the almond powder,ghee and vanilla extract.
Mix it well and make a dough.Divide the dough into 3 equal portions and to each portion add each of the color,mix it.Take a small dough in each colored dough.
Roll it smoothly between the palms and flatten it to a disc.Arrange the flatten discs on a greased baking tray with 2 inches apart.Bake it in 325F for 15-17 minutes(mine took 15 minutes).
Once the cookies cool completely,coat it with the caster sugar and arrange it on a plate.
Suji cookies are ready.


  • The cookies enlarge while baking so make sure to get a small gooseberry sized dough from each color.
  • Measure the butter after melting and almonds needs to be roasted and ground,I kept in the microwave for 3 minutes.
  • While coating in the caster sugar the cookies should be cooled down completely.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Microwave Eggless Carrot Cup Cake

For the 3rd day of Sangeetha's blog immediately bookmarked it.Since it is an egg less I tried it the next week and it came out very delicious and perfect.This cake has become favorite for my son.
One day when he asked for this cake I had only 2tbs of all purpose flour only so instead of making it in a mug I made it in a small ramekin bowl.The output was a cute and small sized cake which is perfect for single serving,since then I started making it in the ramekin bowl.Here is the recipe.......


All purpose flour/maida6tbs
Olive oil2tbs
Buttermilk 6tbs(chilled)
Baking soda1/4tsp
Salta pinch
Cinnamon powdera pinch
Cashews or walnuts1tsp(finely chopped)


  •  Mix the flour,salt,baking powder,cinnamon powder and set it aside.
  • In a bowl take chilled buttermilk,sugar,vanilla and grated carrot,mix it with a spoon.
  • Add the dry ingredients to this and mix it well,pour it in greased ramekin bowls.Sprinkle the chopped nuts and microwave each bowl in a microwave high for 2-21/2 minutes.
  • Carrot cup cake is ready.
  • Drizzle it with chocolate syrup or vanilla ice cream.

  • The above measurements is for 2 servings with the ramekin bowl and one serving for the coffee mug.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Carrot Chutney

Whenever I feel bored with coconut chutney,garlic chutney or kara chutney with idly or my next option would be either carrot chutney or coriander chutney.
Carrot chutney goes very well with idly,dosai even with Adai.This chutney can be made in two versions,one with the coconut and the other with shallots and tomato.
Today I am sharing the recipe with the coconut,here goes the recipe.............  


Green chilly7-8nos.
Urad dhal 1tbs
Tamarind1 inch piece
Saltto taste
For tempering
Mustard seeds1/2tsp
Urad dhal1tsp
Asafoetida/perungayama pinch
Curry leaves1 sprig


  • Heat the pan with 1/2 tsp of oil,fry the urad dhal and remove it.In the same pan add the remaining oil and fry the green chillies,then goes in shallots and grated carrot.Saute it till the raw smell goes away and finally add the coconut and fry it for a minute.Switch off the flame and leave it to cool down.Once its get cooled down grind it along with tamarind and salt.
  • For the tempering heat a pan with the oil and splutter the mustard seeds and urad dhal.Then add the asafoetida and curry leaves,add the tempering to the chutney and mix it well.
  • Quick Carrot chutney is ready.
  • Serve with idly or dosa.

  • The amount of green chillies can be increased if the carrot is slightly sweet.
  • Instead of shallots 1/2 onion can be used.
Check out my fellow bloggers participating in Blogging Marathon#23.
