Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Baked French Fries

We are in day 4 of the 4th week of mega Blogging marathon edition and today I am sharing the all time favorite French fries in a baked version.
Fried version of French fries is so tasty and addictive but the baked version also close to the fried version and crispy.
If its served warm it tastes like the fried one,but after cooling it is bit chewy.So serve this baked version when it is slightly warm.Here I used the russet potatoes and lets move on to the recipe................

                                                                                                          Baked French Fries

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 10 minutes
   Baking time 40 -45 minutes
   Serves 2 


Russet Potato
3 (medium size)
1/2 tsp
Black pepper powder/
milgau podi
2 tsp

  • Wash the potatoes very well and peel the skin and slice it lengthwise to slightly thick slices.Cut those slices to a long strip.Put the strips in cold water to prevent browning.Rinse couple of times th it.e cut strips in cold waterand drain.Spread the strips on a paper towel or cloth to remove the excess moisture.After removing the excess moisture add the oil and mix it well.Keep it aside.

  • Preheat the oven at 425 F and keep the baking tray also inside.Let it get hot,once the oven is preheated remove the baking tray carefully and spread the potato strips in a single layer.Keep it in the oven and bake it for 15 minutes.After 15 minutes take out the potato strips from the oven and turn it with a wooden spatula.Keep it bake in the oven and bake it,in between remove and turn it couple of times for even baking.Once its completely done sprinkle the salt and mix it well
    • Serve it with ketchup.

    • While baking,take the potatoes out from the oven every 10 minutes and turn it to the other side for even baking..
    • Do not bake it more than 45 minutes it may turn hard or browned.
    • Cut the potatoes to even size strips.



    Tuesday, April 21, 2015

    Vegetable puff with Homemade Puff Pastry

    Today' recipe under the savory and miscellaneous baking theme for the mega marathon is vegetable puff.
    Vegetable puff always reminds,my college days where we used to eat these puff almost every other day.Our college bus used to stop near the bakery shop and after getting down we used to hit the bakery and enjoy these puff with a cup of tea.
    After coming to U.S,made veggie and egg puff with the store bought puff sheet,almost for every party or get to gathers.After some point we all got bored and stopped making.Its been almost an year we had these.
    But this time I wanted to try making the puff pastry at home and it came out so good.I followed the basic Vahchef method.This method is so simple and easy to make in short span of time and the outcome is a crispy and flaky puff.I baked only 7 puff and kept the rest in the freezer for future use.I made these puff on a sunny day and we were doing the lawn work,so we had it along with the lemonade instead of tea.The puff pastry can also be frozen for later use.I made the pastry on the previous day and made puff on the next day.Lets move on to the recipe...................................

                                                   Vegetable Puff with Homemade Puff pastry

       Basic Information

       Preparation time 1 hour 15 minutes(for pastry and stuffing)
       Resting time 10-15
       Cooking time 20-22 minutes
       Makes 14-16


       For the Pastry

    All purpose flour
    2 cups
    11/4 tsp
    Granulated sugar/sakkarai
    1 tsp
    125-130 ml
    Lemon juice
    1 tsp
    Unsalted butter/vennai150 gms
    (approximately 11/2 stick)
    All purpose flour1/4 cup for dusting

      For the stuffing

    3 (medium size)
    Onion(finely chopped
    11/4 tsp
    3 tbs
    Beans(finely chopepd)
    1/4 cup
    Ginger&garlic paste
    2 tsp
    Red chilly powder3/4 -1 tsp
    Turmeric powder1/4 tsp
     Garam Masala powder1/4 tsp
    Salt1 tsp
    Coriander leaves(chopped)1 tbs
    Oil1 tbs

    • Mix the lemon juice with water and keep it aside.In a bowl mix in the all purpose flour,sugar and salt,mix it well.To this add the water and knead it to a soft dough.To this add around 11/2 tbs of butter and mix it well.Let it sit for 10 minutes.

    • Now take the knead dough on a floured surface and roll it to a rectangular sheet of 10x20 inch with 1/8 inch thickness.Divide the butter to 3 equal portions and keep it aside.Apply a thin layer of one portion of butter to 2/3 portion on the rectangular sheet and sprinkle some flour.
    • Fold in the ungreased part first and to this top fold the butter part.Cover it with a cloth or foil and refrigerate for 15 minutes.After 15 minutes take out the chilled dough and transfer to the work surface.
    • Roll the dough to a rectangular sheet with a rolling pin and apply the second portion of butter to 2/3 of the sheet and fold it in the same way like the first time.Cover it with a cloth or foil and refrigerate for 10 minutes.Take it out and transfer to the floured work surface.
    • Roll the dough again to a rectangular sheet like before and reserve a tsp of butter and apply the butter to the whole sheet and fold it as shown.Then finally apply the reserved butter and sprinkle some flour and fold it.Refrigerate it for 10-15 minutes.The pastry is ready now.

    • While the pastry is resting make the stuffing.Microwave the chopped carrot and beans for couple of minutes with a tsp of water.Pressure cook the potatoes for 2 whistles and peel the skin and mash it well.Keep it aside.
    • Heat a pan with oil and saute the onion till transparent.To this add the ginger&garlic paste then goes in the partially cooked carrot,beans and mashed potato.Add in the spice powders and salt.Mix it well and let it cook for couple of minutes.Finally add the chopped coriander leaves and put off the flame.Let it cool down.

    • Now take the refrigerated pastry sheet and roll it to a rectangular sheet,if needed dust some flour.Cut it to a desired shape and keep a generous amount of stuffing.

    • Apply some water to the edges and seal it and arrange it on a lined baking tray.Brush it with some butter if you want.Preheat the oven at 425 F and bake it for 20 minutes or till a nice golden crust formed in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.Remove it and brush it with butter.

    • Serve it warm with ketchup

    • The pastry can be frozen up to 3 months.
    • Do not bake it more than 22 minutes.



    Monday, April 20, 2015

    Baked Spicy Chickpeas

    Today's recipe is going to be a simple baked spicy chickpeas.We love to munch the store bought deep fried version.
    The baked version make it healthy and guilt free and the taste is close to the deep fried version.The same way green peas, black eyed peas and soya beans can be baked.But if its over baked the chickpeas became hard.So keep watching after 30 minutes of baking and turn in between atleast 3-4 time to ensure even baking.Here I soaked the chickpeas then pressure cooked and baked it.If you want to make it in a scratch use the canned garbanzo beans.Lets move on to the recipe............................................

                                                                                                              Baked Spicy Chickpeas

       Basic Information

       Preparation time 15 minutes
       Soaking time 6-8 hours
       Cooking time 40 minutes
       Makes 2 cups(approximately)


    Chickpeas/kondai kadalai/
    Dried channa
    1 cup
    1/2 tsp
    Red chilly powder/milgai podi
    1/2-3/4 tsp
    1 tbs

    • Soak the dried chickpeas in enough water and soak it for at least 6-8 hours.Drain the water and add around a cup of water and a pinch of salt.Pressure cook it for 2-3 whistles in a medium flame.Make sure not to over cook.
    • After the pressure subsides drain the excess water and spread it on a paper or towel to remove the moisture.Now spread the chickpeas in a baking tray and sprinkle the red chilly power,salt and drizzle the oil.Mix it well.
    • Preheat the oven at 400 F.Bake it for 40 minutes and every 10 minutes turn it carefully and bake till a nice golden color appears.Remove it and store it in an airtight container after it cools down completely.
      • Serve it as a snack along with tea.


      • Instead of red chilly powder,black pepper powder can be used.
      • Do not bake it more than 45 minutes it may turn hard,sometimes the chickpeas may not be crispy as soon as out of the oven.After cooling it will be crispy .



      Sunday, April 19, 2015

      Garlic Coriander Flower Bread/Flower Shaped Garlic Coriander Bread

      Entering the 4th week of the mega Blogging Marathon under baking theme and for this week I planned to showcase the savory recipes and miscellaneous baking.
      Today's recipe is going to be yet another flavorful bread made with Indian flavors such as garlic and coriander.
      For this theme I made a pull apart with the same flavor,but again my bad luck,the clicks are not satisfied due to gloomy weather .
      So wanted to try the same flavor with different shape.When I was searching some videos to shape the bread,this flower shape bread with nutella looks cute and easy to make.So tried in a savory flavor and the result was a very nice and flavorful bread.Here,also I shaped a small quantity of dough to a different flower.You can try your own choice of stuffing.Off to the recipe.........................

                                         Garlic Coriander Flower Bread/Flower Shaped Garlic Coriander Bread

         Basic Information

         Preparation time 30 minutes
         Proofing time 1 1/2 hours+40 minutes
         Cooking time 20-25 minutes
         Makes 1 flower bread


      All purpose flour
      2 cups+3 tbs
      for dusting
      Instant yeast
      11/4 tsp
      Olive oil
      3 tbs
      1 tsp
      1/2 cup+1 tbs
      Unsalted butter
      1 tbs(for brushing)

         For the filling

      Unsalted butter
      (room temperature)
       Garlic(finely chopped or grated)
      4-5 fat cloves
      Coriander leaves(finely chopped)
      3-4 tbs
      Green chilly(finely chopped)
      2 pinches

      • Take all purpose flour,instant yeast,salt and oil in a bowl.To this add the luke warm milk and knead it to a soft dough.Knead the dough on a floured surface for 10 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.Shape the dough and keep it in a warm place for 1-11/2 hours or the volume of the dough doubled.
      •  Punch down the dough and divide the dough to two equal parts.Divide each portion to 3 equal portions and roll into a round ball.Meanwhile mix in the  butter,chopped garlic,coriander leaves and green chilly.Now roll out the each ball to a 9 inch flat round using a rolling pin on a floured surface.Spread generously the garlic butter filling on the flatten disc.
      • Transfer the rolled disc to a line baking tray.Now continue for the rest of the dough.Keep the second disc on the top of the first and continue stacking for the rest.To mark a center keep a round glass in the center and make 4 slits as shown.Then make it into 8.
      • Finally make 16 slits.Now carefully lift the adjacent portions and twist it in the opposite direction.Stick the ends together.Continue for the rest of the slits.Now seal the edges of the twist.If any stuffing is left just brush it on the top.Cover the tray with the foil or cloth and keep it in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.Before 10 minutes of the second raise preheat the oven at 350F.Now brush the top with butter and bake it in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes or till a nice golden crust formed.Remove it from the oven and brush it some butter.
      • Take one rolled ball and flatten it to a 3 inch disc.Keep a generous amount of stuffing and pull the edges and close it.On a floured surface flatten it to a 3-4 inch disc and make 8 slits as shown and flip each of the cut portion to form a flower shape.
      • Serve it warm with tea as a snack or an appetizer

      • Here I added a pinch of salt for the stuffing,if you are using salted butter then no need..
      • I used, very finely chopped garlic here,but it can be grated in a cheese grater and used..



      Friday, April 17, 2015

      Eggless Almond Biscotti

      Today is the last day for the 3rd week of the the mega Blogging Marathon and I am sharing an eggless version of almond biscotti.
      Biscottis are twice baked cookies or biscuits popular in Italy.These are oblong shaped cookies/biscuits,cutting the loaf when its out from the oven and bake it again to get a crunchy texture.
      I made these biscottis for the first time and wanted to make it eggless,so used an extra tbs of butter and a pinch of baking soda and some milk.I followed this recipe which was given long time in Home Bakers Challenge event.Used some chopped almonds and made.
      Since I didn't reduce the temperature for second bake,it browned little more.The taste was so good with perfect crunch and vanished on the same day I baked.Off to the recipe..........................

                                                                                                       Eggless Almond Biscotti

         Basic Information

         Preparation time 15 minutes
         Resting time 10-15
         Cooking time 25-30 minutes+25 minutes
         Makes 12-14 biscottis


      All purpose flour
      1 cup
      5 tbs
      Unsalted Butter(room temperature)
      5 tbs
      Vanilla extract
      1 tsp
      Baking powder
      1/2 tsp
      Baking sodaa pinch
      Salta pinch
      Chopped almonds2 -3 tbs
      Milk 1-2 tbs

      • In a bowl mix in the all purpose flour,baking powder,soda and salt.Set it aside.Cream the butter and sugar together well.Add the vanilla extract.

      • Add in the mixed dry ingredients and mix it well,add a tbs of milk and mix it well.Add in the chopped almonds and mix it well to a form a dough.

      • Preheat the oven at 350 F.Shape the dough to a log as shown and keep it on a baking tray and bake it in  the preheated oven for 25 minutes or the top gets a nice golden color.Turn off the oven.

      • Now if you are having a spray bottle ,spray water lightly on the top and sides of the baked log and cover it with a damp cloth for 10.Otherwise with wet hands gently press the top and sides of the baked log.This will soften the crust,now gently slice it diagonally using a sharp serrated knife or pizza cutter.

      • Arrange it on a lined baking tray and preheat the oven at 325F and bake it for 20-25 minutes or till it becomes nice and crunchy.Bake it for 10-12 minutes then turn the biscottis to the other side and bake for 10 -12 minutes.Cool it on a wire rack.

      • Store it in an air tight container

      • Chop the almonds to smaller pieces, I chopped slightly bigger pieces but bit difficult while slicing after the first bake.
      • Chopped pistachios and dried cranberries also can be used.

