Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Strawberry Lemonade

My son loves strawberry and his favorite fruit is strawberry and color is red,so anything with red is his favorite.Mostly in summer days I give him some fresh fruit juice after he comes back from school.
The theme third week of Blogging Marathon #27 is Seasonal recipes and for the day 1 I made this refreshing lemonade.
Strawberry lemonade is a quick and easy to make which tastes divine and it is a perfect thirst quencher for scorching summer.Here is the recipe for colorful thirst quencher.....

 Basic Information


Lemon juice1tbs
Water 3cups
Ice cubesas needed


  • Chop the strawberry and grind it to a smooth paste along with the sugar.
  • Pass it through a strainer and collect the juice.
  • To this add the lemon juice and water.
  • Serve it with ice cubes.


  • The amount of sugar and the lemon juice can be adjusted to personal preference. 
  • Use well ripe strawberries to get a deep color and nice taste.
Check out my fellow bloggers participating in Blogging Marathon#27.


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