Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pink Coconut Ladoo - Virtual Birthday Party for Priya Suresh

Today is a special day for one of our blogger buddy who is well known in the blogosphere and her blog has more than 2000 recipes.Yes............ its Priya of Priya's versatile recipe.
Her space is filled with loads of recipes and especially her baked recipes are excellent and innovative.
She is one such wonderful person cum friend and speak to her over the phone next to Sangee of Spicy treats after getting into the blogging world.
Coming to the recipe,this ladoo is sweet,soft and delicious one can be made in less than 5 minutes to satisfy the sudden sweet cravings.Now off to the recipe...........................


coconut powder
+1/4 cup for rolling
Condensed milk1/2cup
Rose syrup(rRooh Afza)1tbs
Cardamom powder/ellakai podi1/2tsp(optional)


  • Heat a heavy bottom pan with the ghee in a medium flame.To this add all the ingredients.Keep mixing till everything gets blend well and leaves the sides of the pan (for me took only 3 minutes).

  • Let the mixture gets cool down to room temperature.After cooling grease the palm with little bit of ghee and take a tbs of mixture and make it to a smooth ball.Roll them with the dessicated coconut and arrange it on a plate.Keep it the refrigerator for 20-25 minutes to set.

  • Store it in an air tight container.


  • This ladoo stays fresh at room temperature for a week.
  • Keep the flame in a low to medium while mixing otherwise it will tend to burn.
  • Adding cardamom powder is purely optional.


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