Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Soya Chunks 65

Soya chunks is a great source of protein and I include in our diet in the form of either fry or kurma with it. But today for a change made soya chunks 65 for the meatless dishes for blogging marathon#31.It came out super delicious and we all enjoyed.
Here I made it with the mini chunks and marinated it for almost 2 hours,now off to the recipe.......



Soya Chunks/meal maker
Ginger&garlic paste 11/2tsp
Chilly powder11/4tsp
Green Chilly2(chopped)
Garam masala powder1/4tsp
Curry leaves2 sprigs
Corn flour2tbs
Red food colora pinch
Lemon juice1tsp
Coriander leavesto garnish
Oilfor frying
Saltto taste


  • Boil the soya chunks in the boiling water and rinse it couple of times,squeeze the water.
  • In a bowl mix the yogurt,lemon juice ginger &garlic paste,chilly powder and salt and mix it well.
  • To this add the boiled soya chunks,green chilly,curry leaves and  mix it well,keep it for 30 minutes to an hour.
  • After an hour add the corn flour and all purpose flour,give it a mix.
  • Fry it in the oil in a medium flame and drain it on a paper towel.
  • Serve it hot.


  • If you are using the big chunks cut into two and use it. 
  • Adding the color is purely optional. 
  • Rinse the soya chunks in the water to remove the smell. 

Check out my fellow bloggers participating in Blogging Marathon#31.

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

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