Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Veggie Pizza for Home Bakers Challenge

We group of people started a monthly event for baking for both bloggers and non-bloggers initiated by Priya of Priyas Versatile recipes.
For this month challenge,Divya of Divya's culinary journey announced 4 different pizza with the home made tomato sauce,a recipe from Martha Stewart.
As we love the veggie pizza I chose to make it with the veggies such such as onion,capsicum,mushrooms and baby corn for the toppings.The tomato sauce here I used is the store bought and with the herbs.Now on to the recipe..........................


All purpose flour31/4cups+for dusting
Instant yeast1 package(21/2tsp)
Warm water1cup
Olive oil31/2tbs+more for bowl
Tomato sauce4-5tbs
Italian Seasoning1/2tsp
Mixed Veggies(onion.tomato,
capsicum,mushroom,baby corn)
as needed
Mozarilla cheese1/2-3/4cup
Oil (for brushing)1tsp(optional)


  • In a bowl add the flour,instant yeast,salt and sugar add the warm water and 1tbs of oil and mix it well.
  • Knead it well with the remaining oil to a soft and elastic dough for 6-7 minutes.Smooth the dough and brush the bowl with little oil and keep the dough inside.
  • Cover the bowl with cling wrap and keep it in a warm place 40- 60 minutes or it doubled.
  • After the dough doubled,remove the wrap and punch it down,knead it for 2 minutes.Smooth it and keep for the second raise for 30 minutes.
  • Now preheat the oven to 400 degree F.
  • Punch down the dough, and transfer to a clean surface. Using a sharp knife, divide the dough in half, and knead each half four or five turns into a ball.
  • Place one of the dough balls back in the oiled bowl, and cover with plastic wrap. Lightly flour a clean surface, place the remaining dough ball on top, pat into a flattened circle, cover lightly with plastic wrap, and let rest 5 minutes.
  • Using your fingers, begin to flatten and push the dough evenly out from the center until it measures about 7 to 8 inches in diameter.
  • Do not press the dough all the way to the edges. Leave a slightly raised border, about a half-inch wide, around entire circumference of pizza dough.
  • Transfer it to a pizza stone or pan and with the help of fork prick it on the surface in 10-15 times.
  • Mix the Italian seasoning with the tomato sauce and apply on the rolled dough.
  • Arrange the veggies on top of the tomato sauce then sprinkled the cheese.Brush the edges with oil
  • Bake it in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until bottom turns light golden brown and cheese melted.
  • After its done completely remove it from the oven and slice with a pizza wheel and serve it.
  • Repeat the same process for the rest of the dough.


 Linking to the Home Bakers Challenge event happening at Divya's space.

  • As instant yeast used here I directly added to the flour and used warm water for kneading. 
  • The water should be warm enough to activate the yeast.

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

Tomato and Carrot Paratha

For the blended version of Indian breads for Blogging Marathon#28 I am sharing you a simple,colorful paratha with tomato and carrot.
This paratha is slightly tangy,mildly spicy with the flavor of carom seeds which is a perfect for kids lunch box.As my kiddo's lunch box options are very limited these type of parathas are great rescue and he can have it without any fuss.Moreover its a nice way to sneak the veggies for the kids who are picky eater and not showing interest to eat veggies mine one.Even adult can enjoy these parathas with some spicy curry and raita.Now off to the recipe..............................


Wheat flour11/2cups
Tomato(medium size)2
Carrot(finely grated)1/2cup
Chilly powder1tsp
Garam masala powder1/4tsp
Turmeric powdera pinch
Amchur powder(optional)1/2tsp
Carom Seeds(omam)1/2tsp
Coriander leaves(chopped)as needed
Saltto taste
Oil (for brushing)2tbs


  • Blend the tomato in a blender to a fine puree without adding any water and keep it aside.
  • In a wide bowl put the wheat flour,all the powders,carom seeds,grated carrot,coriander leaves and salt.
  • To this add the tomato puree and mix it well,knead it to a soft dough,if needed use little water.
  • Keep it aside for 10-15 minutes now divide the dough into equal portions.Roll into a disc of 6-7 inches.
  • Apply some oil on the top of it and fold into half then to quarter,now roll it to a triangle paratha.
  • Heat the griddle,once the griddle become hot,transfer the rolled parathas and cook it both sides.Brush some oil  and remove it from the griddle.
  • Soft delicious and colorful paratha is ready.
  • Serve it with raita and pickle or curry of your choice.


  • While kneading the batter don't add too much of water the moisture in the tomato puree is enough to make a soft dough,if it is not enough sprinkle little water.
  • Instead of tomato,you can puree the spinach or coriander leaves to make a green colored paratha.
  • Here I used cheese grater to grate the carrot very fine.
Check out my fellow bloggers participate in Blogging Marathon#28.

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Aloo Kulcha

For the day of Blogging Marathon#28 under the theme Indian breads I made Aloo Kulcha for the stuffed bread.
I had posted a recipe of onion kulcha which was given by Srivalli for the Indian Cooking Challenge.The same recipe I am followed for the kulcha dough and made the potato stuffing suits to my family taste.Here is the recipe...........

 For the Kulcha
All purpose flour/maida11/2cups
Baking soda1/8tsp
Baking powder1/4tsp
Sugar 1tsp
For the stuffing

Potato(boiled)3(medium size)
Onion(chopped finely)1(medium size)
Green chilly(finely chopped)2
Chilly powder/milagai podi1/4tsp
Coriander powder/dhania podi1/2tsp
Garam masala powdera pinch
Aamchur powder1/4tsp
Coriander leaves(finely chopped)2tbs


Mix the ingredients given to make kulcha in a wide bowl and mix well with water as needed to a soft dough and set it aside for 2-3 hours.

Mash the boiled potatoes to fine paste,to this add all the ingredients given.Mix it well and divide into equal portions.

Divide the dough equally and roll into a small disc and keep 1 portion of stiffing in the center.Pull the edges  to the center and cover it.

Flatten it and roll gently without giving too much of pressure on a floured surface into circle.

Heat a griddle and cook it both sides in a medium flame till brown spots appear.Drizzle some oil or ghee both sides.

Serve it with curry of your choice or chole.


  • The above mentioned quantity makes about 6 kulchas.
  • The dough needs to rest for atleast 2 hours to get a nice soft dough.
Check out my fellow bloggers participate in Blogging Marathon#28.
Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Methi Poori/Puri

The theme I chose for Blogging Marathon#28 is Indian bread varieties and today's recipe is Methi puri for the fried bread.
I had this methi puri first time in one of my neighbor's house long time back,myself and my kiddo both liked it very much.
I exactly follow her recipe but here I used the kasoori methi instead of fresh methi leaves due to unavailability.
This puri doesn't need any curry for side,it tastes good with a simple pickle and yogurt,now off to the recipe..........  


Whole wheat flour1cup
Gram flour/besan/  kadalamaavu1/4cup
Maida/All purpose flour1/4cup
Kasoori methi 3tbs
Aamchur powder1/2tsp
Chilly powder/milagai podi 1/2tsp
Turmeric powder/manjal podi1/2tsp
garam masal powdera pinch
Carom seed/ajwain/omam1/4tsp
Oilto fry

  • Take wheat flour,all purpose flour, gram flour in a bowl.To this add red chilli powder,garam masal powder, carom seeds,kasoori methi and salt mix it. 
  • Add two tablespoons of oil and mix,add enough water and knead into a stiff dough.Let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Heat the oil in a pan in a medium flame. 
  • Divide the dough into lemon sized portions and roll into balls. Roll them into thick puris on a greased or floured surface. 
  • Once the oil is hot enough slide each puri into the hot oil and deep fry till golden and crisp. 
  • Drain and place on a paper towel. 
  • Serve it hot with pickle and yogurt or curry of your choice.


  • The kneaded dough should be soft at the same time stiff otherwise the puri won't puff up and absorbs more oil.
  • After sliding the puri add some hot oil on the puri with the skimmer to puff up. 
  • If you are using fresh methi leaves add a fistful for this given measurement.

Check out my fellow bloggers participate in Blogging Marathon#28.

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Soya Chunks Kurma

As soya chunks are good source of vegetarian protein I include in my diet either in some rice or curry.Today's recipe is a flavorful,simple soya chunks kurma which I adapted from Divya's space.Her version of making soya chunks kurma is easy and sounds interesting,doesn't need any fancy ingredients.So without any second thought I tried,the kurma was so delicious and creamy,we enjoyed with rotis for dinner.Here goes the recipe...............................................


Soya chunks(uncooked)1cup
Onion(chopped)1(large size)
Tomato(chopped)2(medium size)
Ginger&garlic paste 11/2tsp
Chilly powder/milgai podi11/2tsp
Coriander powder/dhaniya podi2tsp
Turmeric powder/manjal podi1/4
Garam masala powder1/8tsp(optional)
Fennel seeds/sombhu1/2tsp
Cloves/lavangam4 nos.
Cinnamom/pattai1 inch piece
Curry leavesfew
Coriander leaves(chopped)2tbs
Cinnamom/pattai1 inch piece
Cumin+Fennel seeds1/tsp

  • Cook the soya chunks in the boiling water and rinse it in cold water couple of times,squeeze the excess water and set it aside.
  • Heat a pan with a tsp of oil,crackle the fennel seeds,cloves and cinnamon then add the chopped onion,saute it till transparent.
  • Now add the tomatoes and cook it mushy,add the ginger&garlic paste and fry it. Add all chilly powder,coriander powder and turmeric powder,give it a mix.
  • At this point add the grated coconut and cook it till the raw smell disappears.Put off the fire and let it cool. After cooling grind it to a smooth paste.
  • Heat a pan with the remaining oil and crackle the cumin and fennel seeds,toast few curry leaves. 
  • Now add the ground paste and fry it for a minute,then add the cooked soya chunks,stir it.
  • Add 11/2 cups of water and salt,let it simmer for 7-8 minutes or till it reaches the desired consistency. Finally add the chopped coriander leaves.
  • Serve it roti or rice.


  • If the sourness is not enough add a tsp of lemon juice after turn off the fire.
  • The consistency can be adjusted to personal preference,as I wanted slightly thick cook it for little more time.
  • Few cashews can also be added while sauteing the onion for extra richness and taste. 
  • Adding garam masala powder is purely optional.

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chicken Curry

After a long time today I am posting a non-veg recipe and the recipe is slightly different from my usual method.
The recipe I adapted from a cookery show long time back and tried,the original recipe is with shallots but here I used the regular onions due to unavailability.
The same recipe can be followed for potatoes or chickpeas instead of chicken,now off to the recipe...............


Onion(chopped)1(medium size)
Tomato(chopped)1(medium size)
Garlic/poondu(chopped)2 cloves
Chilly powder 2tsp
Coriander powder2tsp
Turmeric powder1/4tsp
Garam masala powder1/2tsp
Coriander leaves(chopped)2tbs
Curry leaves(chopped)2 sprigs
Saltto taste

To saute and grind

Onion(roughly chopped)1(medium size)
Tomato(roughly chopped)1(medium size)
Green chilly3-4nos.
Ginger/inji 1 inch piece(chopped)
Garlic/poondu5-6 cloves
Fennel seeds/sombhu1tsp
Poppy seeds/kasakasa1/2tsp
Black pepper corns/milagu1/2tsp
Coriander leaves(chopped)handful

Clean and cut the chicken to bite size pieces,marinate with  1/2tsp of salt,12tsp of chilly powder,turmeric powder.Keep it aside for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile heat 2tsp of oil in a pan and crackle the fennel seeds,poppy seeds and black pepper corns.Then saute the onion,green chilly,chopped ginger and garlic.Once the onion turns pink add the tomato,cook it till mushy.

Now add the coconut and saute it for a while then add the coriander leaves and put off the fire.Let it cool and after cooling grind it to a fine paste.

Heat the pan with the remaining oil and saute the chopped onion,garlic and curry leaves then tomato.Now add the marinated chicken and saute it till the color changes.

At this point add the chilly powder,coriander powder and salt,give it a mix.Then add the ground paste and mix it well.

Add 2 cups of water,garam masala powder and half o the coriander leaves.Cook it covered in a medium flame till the chicken becomes tender.Stir it in between couple of times to prevent burning.Garnish it with coriander leaves.

 Serve it with rice or roti.


  • Instead of ginger and garlic,ginger&garlic paste can be used while sauteing the onion for the curry.
  • The amount of can be increased if you want the curry to be slightly thin.
  • Here I used the chicken with the bones can be made with boneless chicken also.

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com

Monday, May 6, 2013

Only-Legumes Event Round Up

Here is the round up for the event Only- Legumes.Thank you so much Pari for this  wonderful oppturtunity.

I am so much thankful to all my blogger buddies who participated in the eventand made the event successful.Due to some personal work and health issues I couldn't comment on each and every post,once again I am so much thankful for all your wonderful, innovative entries.
As I had a problem in the linky tool,not able to link the thumbnail of the pictures,linked the link only.

Entries from India

1.Moong Sprout Palya

2.Dal Tadka

3.Paruppu urundai Morkulambhu

4.Kaali ma ki dhal


6.Mung Dhal usal

7.Dhal Bok choy


9.Cauliflower curry with black channa

10.Shahi Dosa

11.Massor pati Dhal

12.Veg. Lentil Soup

13.Lentil vada

14.Mango Kosambari


16.Channa dal Rasam


18.Channa pulao



21.Dry beans curry

22.Palak Dhal Curry

23.Sprouts palak

24.Karela moong dhal curry

Entries from other countries

1.Saidapettai Vada curry

2.Urundai Kulambhu

3.Vendhaya keerai paruppu urundai morkulambhu

4.Dal Tadka

5.Green gram sprouts


7.Mutter Paneer

8.Chole Brown Rice

9.Moong dhal Vadas

10.Gobi Channa Wrap

11.Moongdhal Dhokla

12.Tawa Channa

13.Kala channa masala

14.Mung beans Kulambhu

15.Green peas and cabbage vada

16.Rajma Biriyani

17.Barely Adai

Sumber http://www.naliniscooking.com